So how can you tell if fish are motion sick? And how could they tell the fish were happy and wanted to fly again? Fish in space in motion sickness study. I love their description. "Cichlids were picked for the experiment because they are sturdy fish who were deemed to have good chances to survive the stress of a space flight. "Goldfish are a little bit fat and messy, while the cichlid fish is a well-trained, sporty fish with muscles," he said."
How can they tell anything in 10 mins? What was the g forces of the launch? How could they tell the fish weren't faking their weightlessness?
Easiest way to tell if your fish get motion sickness is when it barfs... No, really... I've seen it happen.
That's what I was thinking. Little Arnold cichlids barfing in their bowls. 10 min? How do you know they've recovered from the acceleration? How do you train them? Swing their little bowls around your head for a while to simulate the G-force?