OK, so I have found a bit about them on here....even one question a week or so ago that was totally ignored about what Sticker Weights are But, I did find a thread from 2006 that talked about them...So, I understand you use them on Aluminium wheels....please, be kind, but are all Prius' equipped with Aluminium wheels....or just some of them. I can't find my "sheet with all my options...."
I have the standard weights on my wheels. Honestly, I was completely ignorant of the existence of sticker weights! The wheels are on the Prius are listed as a aluminum alloy. For those that don't know, the weights for the wheels are put on when the tire is balanced onto the rim. The balancing machine lets the tech know where to install the weight(s). Sticker weights are favorable for their discreetness. Hammer weights are installed on the edge of the rim and are quite visible when looking at the wheel.
Yes, they all have aluminum alloy wheels... Toyota Prius - 2008 Models: Prius & Touring and I don't remember seeing your post about the wheel weights, but it's not like I'm always :ranger: Ok, well, most mornings, anyway
Yes, all Prius have aluminum alloy rims. Some people use steel rims for winter tires. Aluminum is much softer than steel, so it is much easier to scratch and bang up. That is one of the reasons people don't like to mount and unmount snow tires on aluminum rims; it wears out the rim so that it can be hard to hold a seal. While aluminum doesn't rust like steel, it does corrode any time the oxide layer is removed. Old aluminum rims tend to get pitted along the bead seal, and slow leaks can develop. Tom
Sticker weights came standard on my car. The Toyota dealer patched my tire and balanced the wheel with a hammer weight. When I went for an oil change I asked them to remove the weight. They corrected the situation without a fuss.
That's OK, it wasn't myself who asked the question about sticker weights last week or so. It was in one of the "new tire buy questions..." And thank you to everyone else who responded. We live out in the Merry Woods of Oregon, where 1968 is still King, Hippies are normal and the local tire dealer, who will loan you most of tools in his shop for free, as well as give you a swig of his home brewed Blackberry Wine, as well as sing Grateful Dead songs for you as he mounts tires, may not have heard of sticker weights....Of course, I am a ways away from needing tires, but just trying to learn all I can. BTW, Sonny Jim, your dog is a cutie. We had to put ours down a couple weeks ago. I still am having some trouble dealing with it, especially since she LOVED riding in the back of the Prius.