I might be crazy but I've just turned in my BMW M Roadster for a Prius. This is no pocket rocket like my last car, but I have to admit I love it. The windows are freshly tinted and I just found the easter eggs for turning off the reverse beep and seatbelt beep from hell... does anyone know how to lower the front seat a little bit? jj
Welcome...and I traded in my red Dodge Charger for my Prius. Best move I ever made (next to marrying my wife!)
The Prius does not allow for seat height adjustment. if you are brave, you can modify the tracks, or you can do what the old school racers used to do. They would remove the cloth and shave the foam from the seat and seat backs to make custom bolsters. You might gain an inch or two. How tall are you? The Prius seems to be designed for a 5'5" Asian. Lol. I can say that because I am that short and it fits me perfect. Lol. Btw, I traded my Volvo S60R, 300hp, AWD, 6MT for the Prius, and I am loving every minute of it. I suspect that in a few months, I will be needing to buy some sort of weekend toy, like your M Roadster (one of my favorite cars). Although I like the M Coupe a little better.
Aren't we a crazy lot? I traded a 2007 Volvo Cross Country AWD Turbo Wagon with 12,000 miles for my new Prius. Gotta love it!
Thanks the S had a comptech s/c,tien flex edfc,stb,x brace,rear brace,alpine head and amp Volks te37 black carbon fiber hood and oem carbon fiber tail, header and exhaust.The car was very fast and out handled most cause of the weight or lack of it .Great car lots of fun .Never a problem . The dog is alot more fun handles better off road gives lots of love and is a joy to live with .Her name is Tuesday she is Jack Russell Terrier and a member of this pack .She came with a oem s/c no aftermarket products except for toys and a collar .She says Hi
yes, we are a crazy bunch! my friends tell me that i was an idiot for trading my evo in and lost approx $3,000 rather than private sellling it which already had a bunch of interested people. i tell them even if i lost that amount of money, the timing of the purchase made it all worth it. cheap insurance, cheap fillups and i actually find the prius really comfortable that i feel sleepy everytime im in it. probably coming from a car that felt like driving a noisy gocart. the potential of the prius running forever is also an added plus! welcome to the family.
I am exactly 5'5" - born and raised in the Phillipines. I pull back my seat a little, but there is still tons of headroom. The Prius can easily fit a 6 footer person.