Explosion Rocks West Texas Oil Refinery Refinery Explosion Rocks Texas Town, At Least Four People Injured, Shook Buildings Miles Away - CBS News BIG SPRING, Texas - An explosion rocked an oil refinery Monday in a violent blast that shook buildings miles away, authorities and witnesses said. There were no immediate reports of injuries. "All I know is that it blew up," a Howard County dispatcher said....
I don't know if this has anything to do with the explosion in refinery, but my local station increased its price by $.06 per gallon between yesterday and today. We're now paying $3.159/gal. on eastern Long Island.
Prices have been creeping up a bit around here for about the past two weeks. I notice that crude-oil was close to $95 on Friday, and it had been down into the high 80s just a couple of weeks ago. That probably has a greater bearing, but just watch futures jump tomorrow in the wake of the refinery fire, even though it's literally a drop in the bucket on a world/national scale. I predict that gas will get up to close to $4 by Memorial Day.
OPEC also cut their production by 100,000 barrels per day. Guys here at work said the local Flying J increased its gasoline price by 20 cents today.
Funny! The news today here in Canada were commenting on the fact the price went up last night (to over $1 per litre - it was $0.98 per litre when I filled up yesterday - YES!!!, I finally timed it right ). Note that the price of crude oil just went back over $100 per barrel yesterday as well. Oh, so I saved about $0.60, purchasing 20 litres to fill the tank. Wow.
People should expect to pay for higher gas prices come Spring and Summer. I'm glad I've got my Prius.
The more gas prices go up, the more you save, if you drive a Prius. And your Prius's resale value goes up, too.
I am sure that sometime in the semi-near future, gas prices will hit $4.00/gallon nation wide. But you may want to be careful how often you throw that number around. A few guys that I work with have been predicting $4.00/gallon for 5 years. Every holiday that looms it hear, "I heard ... ... $4.00! Can you believe that?!?" I really don't mean to be mean. I am just trying say that unless you live in Hawaii, New York, or LA, don't expect $4.00 gas by labor day of 2008.
I can't speak for anyone other than myself, certainly not your co-workers, but I haven't made that prediction previously and, likewise, claim no particular expertise nor anything remotely approaching clairvoyant powers. I just have this feeling...... My hunch is that the national average will possibly hit that before Memorial Day which is only about three months hence, and definitely by Labor Day, but I seriously hope that I'm wrong.
I see. I read your tone incorrectly. I do however agree with your premise. IMHO, I think it will still be some time before I see $4.oo/gallon here in Ohio.
i paid $2.899 for gas last week... its now $3.039 5 days later... oh well. park the Pri, take the Zenn... no electricity rate increases for at least 3 more months.
Guys, 1st post so take it easy on me :yo: If it makes you feel better, its over £1 (pound) / litre here in the UK - that probably equates to $2 dollars / litre where you are. Rgds, Bulld0g
We are at $1.13/L CDN today in Victoria, BC. By my calculations (1 L = .2642 US Gallons), at $3.00 a gallon you are paying 80 cents a litre in the States (our dollars are at about par). Or in other words, I'm paying $4.28 a US Gallon. US fuel taxes need to increase at least 50%. Then you might have something to talk about. In BC yesterday we had this announcement - which I applaud: Carbon tax focus of British Columbia budget It's about time for fuel taxes in America to at least catch up to Canada's if not Europe's. Cheap pump prices (<$4.00) is a major environmental problem, slowing the adoption of EVs.
Uh... gas has already been over $4 here in CA. Not lately, but what the heck. Anyway -bummer about the explosion... good about the increase in price.
In EU is usual to see 1€ to 1.7€ per litre. Here in Spain I pay 1.1€ per litre, it means 4.18€ per gallon, means 6.18$ per gallon. And you still can see cars going over 100 MPH in the highways, so it seems still cheap for a lot of people...