Hello all. In 2002, my wife and i bought a Hyundai Accent from the biggest guido I have ever met. At the time, he was advertising 36mpg. Of course we never got that and won lemon law the following year after a host of other issues that are unrelated. We received a 2003 Accent as a replacement, again at the 36mpg rating. We currently get 26mpg. Fast forward to this morning. My wife and I where watching tv and the guido in question was on a commercial advertising 40mpg! Now, the Accent is currently rated 24mpg/33mpg under the new rating system. Admittedly, I have a grudge, but something needs to be done about this guy. What happens in cases like this? He is obviously overstating the mileage to such a degree that I can't find ANY reference to the 40mpg number!
Well this day just got off to a bad start and is shot to Heck. I'm completely agreeing with Malorn. jk Yeah, honestly, you can choose to take offensive actions against him if you want or take the more passive approach of simply not spending your money there again. Also, in reviewing your post, I think there just might be a way to tell the same story without the ethnic slurs.
He may be talking about an 2007 for sale, and using the old EPA. Mini ads were that for awhile around here. While dishonest, it would be legal.
Honda is selling there 2008 cars, in recent tv ads, with old 2007 EPA rating. In fine print, it said based on 2007 ratings. Cheap tricks, but probably went through the legal department first and got okay on this one.
The Kia dealer I lived by in Tennessee did the same thing. On the window sticker under the EPA rated mileage is a range of mileage achieved. The Kia dealer always advertised the highest number in the range. Is is misleading but technically correct that in theory you could get that mileage.
Well no, I won't be buying another car from him. Thats not really my point. I was just venting with a question at the end about false advertising. I don't intend to take any legal action, it just would be nice if he was somehow informed that lying isn't OK. p.s. sorry if my word choice was offensive, as an Italian, I am often offended by others from my heritage making, "the rest of us look bad." (To quote my mother.)
I'm sure that the Federal Trade Commission will let him know about it. He might get fined as well. Or, contact your state's Attorney General.
That I might do. It seems a little mean spirited but it will make me feel better. I honestly don't know how I feel about what I just said!
There are different ways of looking at it: If you don't report it, he will continue to do it, other buyers may believe his claims and buy a Hyundai believing that it gets much better mileage than say a Chevy Cobalt so your dishonest dealer isn't just cheating consumers, he is cheating competitors as well. Plus, when your Attorney General takes action, he can schedule a news conference to let everyone know how he is helping to protect consumers and gain some positive publicity for the next election.
Was he related to this guy: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JMOh-cul6M]YouTube - My New Haircut[/ame] Not safe for work, contains profanity, may be offensive to some. And yes, I know it is not original, but it is funnier than the original "My new striped shirt" skit.
I'm not in the least offended by the bad language, but the constant repetition is boring and there's nothing at all funny in it.