I haven't heard (or found by searching) if anyone of us has done it yet. Anybody doing it this year for sure? Details?
i hope someday maybe this year.. time Will tell DIY or from Toyota in the future i am not sure but plug-in it Will be
I got to see two last night (jealous), one was a cal-cars kit with lead-acid batteries and the other (read expensive) one was the hymotion kit with li-ion A123 systems cells. Both were very nice, clean installs but the cal-cars conversion seemed to be the most attractive option. It is a much more affordable option and the installer actually built-in the ability to retain the OEM spare tire in its original location, the only loss of cargo space was in the storage tub. The installer also informed me that aside from the plug-hole in the bumper cover, the installation was completely reversible... warranty compliant .
I went over to talk to some nice people at Central Vermont Public Service in Rutland, Vermont, where they've a few A123/Hymotion PHEV Priuses, as well as some interesting Diesel hybrid utility trucks. Very encouraging! CVPS: Programs & Services