Anyone else have this experience? During our recent cold weather, the SKS insists that I take off my mitten or the door won't unlock. My mittens are knitted with leather palms - no metal or radio signals involved. Personally I think Fiona is trying to make me feel her pain after she has waited for me in a cold parking lot.
Pearl has no trouble with my heavy leather gloves. It's a capacitance sensor, so you may have to wrap your fingers under the handle.
I have had problems before. As the previous poster stated, the front door sensors are capacitive. It is possible to have too much dielectric for the sensors to work, or in other words, your knitting may be too thick. Tom
Did you try just pushing the little black button? That ought to work, but will unlock all of the doors rather than just the driver's.
Maybe you have to PULL on the little black button to unlock the doors. I think you should give it a try. <evil grin> Tom
If I use my Wind River Thinsulite leather gloves, which are somewhat thin, the touch sensor works around 50% of the time. If I use my thick gloves, no way. Of course, bare fingers will always work. Let's see, temp of -25 C, windchill of -38 C. Nope, I'll use the fob instead Don't forget to give the driver door lock cylinder a good spritz with lock lubricant. In normal use they never get used, so if the smart entry or your fob should happen to die in the cold, you may find the lock cylinder very stiff from corrosion
You could certainly pull on the little black button if you stick your tongue on it. This method would work at least once.
i have had similiar issues... not often though... maybe 1 in 4 attempts to open the door... i just move my hand a little and it works... to cold to take of my mittens
Thanks to David Beale - putting my hand (with mitten) under the handle instead of over the handle seems to solve the problem. To firepa63: Poor Fiona - how could you even think of putting a brick thru her window? (I have a really high deductible on my comprehensive insurance). To those who suggested variations on a theme with the little black button - the tongue on the button to pull it out just might work in our cold weather. Please try & report back. Inquiring minds want to know.. . .