So, I'm driving my Prius into downtown today on my way to work. All of a sudden the "alert" light (the triangle/exclamation point) comes on along with the engine icon. I quickly pull over concern that this is something serious. I check the LCD before turning off the engine... "Problem" I grab the manual and it says that, if these lights come on, check the LCD Information panel. I turn the car back on... "Problem" Come on, Prius, I've got degrees in both software and electrical engineering. You can give me a little more than that... "Problem" So, I call the dealer's service center. "Can I drive the car the rest of the way to work and out to your center?" He replies, "Well, I don't know what the *problem* is. Turn the car off and back on and see if it does the same thing." So, I do... "Problem" I now have a 5:15pm appointment. I hope the Prius will go into a *bit* more detail with the technician. (And, I arrived at work to find out one of our web servers was having a "problem". That's normally not an issue as our load balancer should direct the traffic away from it. But, our load balancer was also having a "problem." It was directing all the traffic TO the errant server. This led my boss to have a "problem") I'm thinking of calling in on Monday morning with a "Problem" :?
"Dave, I'm feeling very good about the mission, really I am....Dave? Dave, please don't disconnect that.........Shall I sing you a song, Dave? Daisy, Daisy, give me your anssssssswwwwwwwwweeeeeeee doooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmm hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllffffffff cccccccccccrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyy..."
Cool! My dealer has an open wireless access point! So, they came out and told me that there were all sorts of codes in the controller. The technician could understand exactly what it was upset about (Did you know that the car even records a code when it looses communcation with the smart key and the car is on? The car *knows* if you leave it running and walk breifly away!). One code was something about the gas engine not starting when it was supposed to. I supposed *that* would be a "problem". Unfortunately, its too late to get in contact with anyone at Toyota's support. So, I have to wait until Monday when they can see if this issue has been seen before. I think I'll be using my gas-guzzling, polution-beast Bronco for the weekend. I'll feel so guilty. Uhm... the Prius runs Windows, doesn't it... that could explain sooooo much. Ken
Yeah, that was my first thought when you said you got a "Problem" message: You must have gotten the Windows version.
Sure would be cool if someone could hack in a figure out a way to put a BSOD screensaver or something on the screen. HEHEHE Atoyot