I couldn't vote so my "other": #1 Student #2 Retail (car audio store) #3 Intern for a Land Managment/Conservation NGO #4 Independent contractor (for habitat surveys)
Ordained minister, United Church of Christ, working as administrator in nonprofit agency that provides housing & other services to runaway and homeless youth.
You'd think with the knowledge base we have going here we couldn't figure out a way to do some "Back To The Future" mods on the Prius. You know, run on garbage, fly around anti gravity like, gullwing doors....
Photovoltaic sales and consultation. Builder of LED lighting devices. Designer of User Interfaces for lighting products. Full-time Dad. (I notice that the only one who hasn't answered is the OP) ??
Real Estate Agent soon to be Broker Real Estate Appraiser Just sold my first commercial property, Motel, for $1.86M! Wildkow
In other words, if you're so smart how come you can't do magic? I think everyone here knows what the OP does: He sells dinosaurs. I'm retired.
Retired Navy Submariner; Now work for Federal Gov't as Director of Human Performance Improvement for the submarine force.
Install/support computer equip. for an airline (yes you can blame me for those self service checkin kiosks).