I've gotten used to the view out the back window, but there's not much extra space back there for my "Impeach Bush" sign. I don't like sticking things to my bumpers, but I do have some window decals left over from my Escort, including my Impeach Bush sign. Anyone else wrestling with this huge problem? Humu
I have a similar problem! There's not room on the back for Kerry's long face and tall hair along with the message BEWARE OF J.F. KERRY!! Anybody have any George McGovern bumper stickers left? I suspect the answer is "Yes".
Now that our North Carolina poster boy Kennedy wannabe is out of the race, he can go back to being a rich Democrat trial lawyer with five homes who knows what the little people are like. My bumper sticker will read "Edwards '08" cussing:
One of the back side windows, left if you drive slowly, right if leadfoot. you might like a square one like... BU** SH**
The problem with putting any bumper sticker in the window -- any window -- of any car -- is it creates a blind spot somewhere. And the problem with impeaching politicians -- any politician -- is they'll just put another in his place and the replacement will be no different than the one they impeached.
You should be able to go high on the rear window wthout blocking the view. I think you can come down an inch or two off the black edging You can probably get a small "Bush/Cheated" sticker over the wiper motor.
Hmm So God cares which multi-millionaire, career politician, special interest sucking, power hungry, old, white, male Yale Graduate becomes President. If you say so. However, at this point shouldn't this be over on the Off Topic board because at some point (like halfway through the first post?) it kind of ceased being about Prii.
I have all my bumper stickers on magnets, so I can just put them underneath the back windows. I assume this will work on my (on order) Prius, as it does on my car now. My current bumperstickers: "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" "I think... therefore I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh."
Uhm...Jesus wouldn't bomb....he would call in angels to do the bombing. "I sleep...therefore I must have been listening to Kerry." Atoyot
It amazes me, the number of people who get so excited over the relatively minor differences between any given Republican candidate, and any given Democratic candidate. Both are funded by, and therefore in the pockets of, the big corporations and the super-rich; Both are wedded to the idea that the management of companies must be 100% in the hands of the investors and zero % in the hands of the workers. This is called capitalism. The problem is not that some politicians support it. The problem is that both support it, so that voters who want to see more economic power in the hands of workers have nobody to vote for; Both candidates are willing to kill innocent civilians in foreign countries in order to promote U.S. strategic and economic interests (i.e., war). Again, if you believe in war, that's fine, it's your right, but the voters do not have a choice when both candidates take the same stand; Neither of the candidates is willing to recognize health care as an inalienable human right, as does every other industrialized country in the world. As above, the question is a legitimate one for debate, but the voters have no choice. The difference between the candidates lies in the minor point of which classes of people to exclude from health care. And then, when half the electorate does not vote because there is not enough difference between the candidates to bother over, they call us apathetic! Hey, I'd vote if there was a candidate I could look in the face without getting sick to my stomach! Wow, this "Off-Topic" forum is cool!
I think. Therefore I will not be indoctrinated by CNN, NBC, CBS and, most certainly, not by NPR Radio! Those crazy liberal media giants are 180 degrees out of phase with reality. ukeright:
My suggestion, Bob, is not to worry about it - even the conservative 'activist' (as the right so likes to call them) judges in the Supreme Court this time won't be able to keep Bush in office. I mean, he used Sept 11th in his first political ad of the season. As much as they like to think we're stupid and we'll forget Iraq, the economy, the gas prices, unemployment, corporation scandals, and direct violations of every Americans rights - we don't forget that stuff. After all, like father, like son. IE, both one term losers. -m.