Grr. I ordered my (white or blue) Prius in May or so from a dealer who was delighted to take my deposit. Now I'm "on the very top of the list." Been there for a couple of months. But the dealer has no interest in trying to find the color I want. Won't even bother trying a swap. Grrrr!! Said that it may be months, just depends when one comes in in the color I want. What a bite in the shorts! I guess they figure they have me by the short curlies, right? WRONG!! Resourceful internet-surfin ME! Just yesterday I found the perfect Prius in about 20 mins of surfing. Heath, the internet rep at a dealer in Idaho, came in on his day off and worked it all out in a matter of an hour. Woo Hoooo!! Prius on the way with a big red bow on top. Life is good! Can't wait to make the "HAH!!" phone call to local dealer. Hehehee. Living well is the best revenge.
Re: White, BC, May 04, Runnemede, NJ- rescued 12/14 by Idaho Heath at stone's town and country in rexburg. I'm not very good at idaho geography, but it looks like the town is just south of Yellowstone.
Congrats Sanny, I agree...if somebody really wants a Prius, get on the computer! You can find one, that's how i did it too.