Hello, I'm a new owner of a 2008 spectra blue pkg 5....wishing I got the touring model but couldn't find one. I have two questions: 1. Is there a way to unlocked the driver and passenger side door by having the smart key in my pocket and just pushing the button in the door handle? 2. Does CT's auto door lock mod also unlock the doors when the car is put in park/powered off? Thanks for your help! Patrick
Welcome! As for your first question, all doors unlock when you press the button on the passenger side of the vehicle, not on the driver's side. I'm not sure what you mean in your second question.
If you look in the manual, there is a section about door locking / unlocking options, I believe the procedure requires that you hold the lock and panic buttons on the fob simultaneously for ~ 3-5 sec. until the car replies w/ a code that you can look up in the manual (series of beeps / honks or something). I was able to do it in mine with very little effort, now grasping the driver's side door handle unlocks all doors and the hatch. Hope this helps.
If you push the black button on the door handle, all the doors lock. If you touch the inside of the door handle, where the sensor is, the door unlocks The way the Prius comes from the factory, if you touch the inside of the driver door, only the driver door unlocks. If you touch the inside of the passenger door handle, all unlock The dealer can use the scantool - a Panasonic ToughBook - to change the behavior. I had my dealer change the unlock so if I touch my driver door handle, all doors unlock. My dealer didn't charge me for that, hopefully yours won't either I also had the door lock/unlock beep volume increased. I couldn't hear it in traffic
Thanks again Jayman! Thats very cool. Half the time I can't hear the "you have locked the door" beep either. Will give the dealer a shot but I got a feeling I'll be getting a blank stare about a Panasonic Toughbook scantool.
You have to have your car locked and be standing within range for the following, with Smart Key: You hold down the lock button on your remote, and while doing that, hold down the Panic button for at least 5 seconds you'll hear it beep about 3 times and then the mode is changed on the car, all doors will unlock with the drivers door.
Thanks for Jayman's post. I will also give my dealer a call so I can have all my doors unlock from the driver's side.
No need to waste your time at the dealer, the method described above works There is a section in the owners manual that describes the behavior of all three possible settings. I think they were FACTORY (DEFAULT) - Drivers door unlocks just drivers side Passenger and Trunk unlocks all doors Setting two - Drivers, passenger, and Hatch unlocks all doors Setting three - Drivers, passenger, and Hatch only unlocks the door opened
I have a 2004, that doesn't work for my car. The dealer was happy to adjust settings free of charge, so I let them worry about it