I put up a few Craigslist adds when I was looking to buy my current Prius. Had a guy popped up and started writing me about how awful of a car they were and how they're all hype and no substance. Anybody else had this happen?
Sounds like someone who didn't know how to drive a Prius. He probably expected the Prius to perform like a Ferrari or a Corvette. Never really had that kind of response lately. Regards.
Well, you know what they say about people - some can be very strange! All I can say is after owning 2 Prii, I think they are the best cars around. Nit pick if you must, but the Prius does everything it was designed to do very well.
Never had it happen, but then I've never been Prius-shopping on Craigslist. As an aside, I've done a lot of other shopping there. Most of what I've furnished my new townhouse with has been bought from Craigslist sellers. If it was a public response, I would flag it. It almost certainly wouldn't fit their posting guidelines. Beyond that, ignore it. Prius-bashers are out there; nothing we can do about it. There is even at least one internet forum dedicated to it.
Hi All, I sold my SL2 (after buying the Prius) on Craigslist. But also looked around in their forums at that time. There seems to be a group of viscious anti-Prius people that populate that car forum on Craigslist.
Traction control? Fuel guage? Don't get me wrong, I think this is the best car I've ever owned overall but I don't think it does everything it was designed to do well. Just my $.02 worth.
Probably Hummer owners who can't deal with competition.. Actually we are one of the only car clubs that have people still going to them - since gas costs us much much less.. My hubby always said- everyone else- the gas costs $3- for the Prius - I just tell them we pay 1/3 of their gas price- since our old car got 15 MPG and our Prius get 45MPG, hence 1/3 the price of gas, so to speak.
I can not figure out why people are so motivated to "bash" Prii. I assume it has something to do with seeing us as "tree huggers" and it gets them mad and they lash out. Nobody is forcing them to drive one so why they care is beyond me. It does seem like a rather ugly side of human nature!
We bought our Prius off of Craigslist. Didn't experience anything in particular from it, but I did get the 3rd degree from a local GM dealer later though. We usually have our other 3 vehicles oil changed there with them, and they have a habit of overfilling them with oil. Had to take some of them back several times because of it. Of course the Prius really doesn't like that. They didn't particularly like my comment that "they wouldn't NEVER get their hands on our Prius"! I do the maintenance on it myself since we don't have a local Toyota dealership close to us, and it is out of warranty anyway. We got to the point of setting a gallon jug on the driver's seat with a note that if they wanted to donate us some spare oil, to put it in the jug, not in the engine. Seemed to stop overfilling them though. Of course they had to go into the usual OMG, you bought one of THOSE cars! I promptly reminded them about their "vaporcar", the Volt! Got the usual "just wait" speech. Lots of hatred out there for Prius owners though. Have run into some people that seem to envy the car, but allow themselves to try to harass you for buying one. Most people would own one in a minute, but everyone I know got in trouble buying a gas hog, and are now stuck with it, the payments, and the gas prices.
Hi SW..., Well, Craigslist forums are unmoderated. So, its probably the only public place they can get away with being abusive. So, that is why they are there.
I posted an opinion on EPINIONS.COM about my 2008 Prius titled "Love my Prius". I received several incoming rounds - all nasty. I really dont care because I do Love my Prius (Daisy). Hang in there.