My local dealer is having a special sale this weekend. Wondering if there are any significant differences between 06 and 08.... do 08's have EV built in? I already have 38000 miles on my 06 in 25 months!
My understanding is there's basically no difference between an '06 and an '08. Neither has an EV option built in - I don't believe Toyota is selling them that way in the US. But there are differences between the '06 and the Touring Edition (which wasn't available yet in '06), including better suspension and bigger tires. There have been lots of threads here where people have raved about the Touring edition. I won't be in the market for a new car for a few years - I haven't even reached 13,000 miles in my '06.
I know of no differences between 06 & 08, except possibly the makeup of the options packages. Certainly no EV option, as Jeannie says.
as stated no dif, my sister in-law has an 06 and me an 08. There are plenty of 08's . the 06 better be a real good deal, or i would go new.
I think she has an '06, and is thinking about refreshing to an '08. Do you mind sharing what the sale offer is? Rob
up to $6000 off... of course depending I'm sure on the know how these folks like to advertise.....I will ask about the C package which looks the same as my #6. would swap tires and keep my hydroedge...we'll see... figure if I can walk away with a new car for $6000 or so it might be worth it?!?!?!?
I wouldn't do it if I were you. 38,000 miles is nothing for a Prius. The only way it can make any since is if you are able to sell you 2006 on your own and get top Reatail Bluebook value, which IMO is too high. I think used car prices are too high in general, but once you buy a new car, you should drive it until it has at least 85-90 thousand miles or until you want a car that is significatnly different. Why not wait for the 2010 Prius and see if you will like that better, and you'll probably have close to 80K on your 2006 by then.
Wow... i have had my '06 since April 14th 2006 and have 33,500 miles right now... but Im definitely not planning to upgrade until that plug-in prius come out in 2010 or 2011...
I agree and that would be what I'd suggest. Unless your current Prius didn't have something you think you can't live without or you HAVE to have a different color or something, couldn't your money be put to better use? Hawaii maybe?? I bought a 2008 and know by 2010 there will likely be some significant changes, so if I had an "excuse" to trade up that would be nice! Enjoy your broken in car, it is still a baby
typical dealer hype anyway- all they would give was $1000 off MSRP... so much for beeing drastically reduced! thanks for your input- will wait for the upgrades!