If I read the threads correctly, it appears that the free parking program in L.A. may expire on 12/31/07. I thought I heard/read that it had been extended beyond that date. Does anyone have definitive information about L.A.? Santa Monica? Thanks. Ted
I saw that post and the item on the LADOT web site but I read it to say that the program is over on 12/31/07.
For whatever reason, the Los Angeles Dept of Transportation Parking Enforcement bureau told me on Monday that the program did not expire on 12/21/07.
Is this anywhere in writing on the web? I hasten to park and discover that is not the case and have to fight a parking ticket. The LADOT seems so slow in their information delivery. I have had a call and email into them for weeks now about this.
After a fair bit of searching on odd and barely functional databases of Los Angeles government information, I found this (on a site that is now no longer accessible a few days later): This item was approved, but I can't find what the amendments were. I found the municipal code online, but it was only current as of November 2007. As for what was in the municipal code as of then, it makes no mention at all of either hybrid vehicles or clean air vehicle decals. If someone would like to contact the city to get file 04-1362, there's probably a lot of good stuff in there. It has entries going back to 2005, and should have everything about what Los Angeles has done about parking for hybrid and clean air vehicles over time.
Looks like free parking in LA remains until 2011 ! After further consideration and having provided an opportunity for public comment, the Committee moved to recommend requesting the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance to amend the LAMC to provide for free parking of alternative fuel vehicles that are included in the Clean Air Vehicle Decal Program until as late as January 1,2011. Additionally, the Committee moved to recommend approval of the recommendations as contained in the October 3, 2007 DOT report and detailed above in Recommendation Nos. 2-4. This matter is now being forwarded to the Council for its consideration. Respectfully submitted, TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE O- ~ ADOPTED MOTION ADOPTED TO APPROVE COMMITTEE REPORT RECOMMENDATION5 DEe 1 2 2007 --- Full document at: http://clkrep.lacity.org/councilfiles/04-1362_CA_12-12-07.pdf
Re: Looks like free parking in LA remains until 2011 ! Great find Kablooie! Interestingly, the report implies that the original program of free parking for the named hybrids has been in effect the whole time, in addition to the later inclusion of vehicles with clean air decals. I had thought that they removed the named hybrid vehicles, and that you had to have clean air decals to get the free parking. In any case, the new direction gives a 30 day time limit for the named hybrid vehicles without clean air decals. 30 days that is, after the updated ordinance becomes effective. I don't know how to find out when that is. I'm not even sure that there will be an ordinance to amend the municipal code. The municipal code I found, which claimed to be up to date as of Nov 2007, didn't reflect the earlier direction of June 21, 2006 to amend section 88. Does this mean that the free parking was in force, even though the municipal code was never updated? I suppose enforcement always has the option to not give a ticket, or even to later rescind a ticket for any reason, so perhaps the free parking was implemented through policy instead of code. So might they do the same thing again and not update the code? I find this Los Angeles government stuff confusing.