City of LA and free parking for HOV stickered cars

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by forzaitalia, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. cabillings

    cabillings New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Los Alamitos, CA
    In Century City, near the El Rey Theater to be exact, you can park for free. BUT all cars need to be off Wilshire Blvd by 4:00 or they will tow you. I didn't read the signs but was warned by an employee of the El Rey Theater who is also a Prius driver. So be sure to read the posted signs.
  2. Slartibartfast

    Slartibartfast Senior Fjord Architect

    Oct 11, 2007
    Twin Cities, MN
    2006 Prius
    Just a note about this rule to be absolutely clear (especially to newbies).

    The only exemption in LA (and SM and other cities with free hybrid parking) is for feeding the meters only. You still have to abide by all the other parking restrictions, including time at the meter. They can't ticket you for not feeding the meter. But if you park at a 2 hour meter during enforcement hours (usu. 8 AM-6 PM or 10 AM-7 PM in Westwood), and they catch you in the same block more than two hours later (and still during enforcement time), you can be ticketed If you park in one of the rush hour tow away zones (like above) on Wilshire, Crenshaw, Olympic, Pico, La Brea, Santa Monica, Ventura, etc., ad nauseam), you can't plead "hybrid sticker" when they haul your baby away.

    One tip for anyone in L.A. however, for those who didn't know. Those Yellow "Loading Zone" spots are open for parking after 6 PM and all day Sunday. The White loading zones are enforced 24 hours, and might be tow-away zones (that I can't remember). That's for any car, though, not just hybrids. It's fairly well known, but rare enough that it's still valuable sometimes. Just keep it our little secret.

    Clarification about the yellow loading signs: That's subject to the other restrictions in place. If it's a tow away 4PM - 7PM, don't park there until after 7 PM. And move your car before the morning tow-away period if applicable. Remember, tow-away zones/times supersede all other restrictions.
  3. AngelFish

    AngelFish New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    2004 Prius
    N/A - LA City Council Approves Free Parking For Hybrids

    LA City Council Approves Free Parking For Hybrids

    Drivers with the state's Clean Air Vehicle decal on their hybrid cars will continue to be allowed to park for free at city meters under an ordinance unanimously approved Friday by the Los Angeles City Council.