Sounds Good. I am also working with the New Jersey Group to schedule a meeting there too. They have member from all over. We might be able to schedule an even larger event? Any thoughts on location or when?
We can meet in between or at a location with a huge parking lot. I am still trying to bring together local Prius owners in this thread for a local meet then we can plan for the next big one. Keep us posted regarding the NJ group for a meet one day.
hey every1. Im in Hatfield montgomery county pa. I would be interested in getting together somewhere with some1 who has installed an EV buttton or is interested in installing one.
Hi rookie 101. Great to hear from you in Montgomery, PA. I have done nothing to modify my Prius to date. Perhaps someone here will chime in and you guys can get together. As for the EV button, try to post in the Mod section of this forum. You may get a good response, but majority may be from out-of-state. What are the benefits of the EV button? Sorry, I am still a newbie when it comes to Prius terminology.
I am interested in installing EV Button... Determing best place to buy from... and cheapest... Would like the JDM Button from Sigma... but looking at all options... I live in Wilmington, DE. I wouldn't mind having a meet to help install the EV Button.
well im a noob too noob rule ev = electric vehicle (this definition may be wrong) but that is the idea of the ev button... you can order a jdm part here, sigmautomotive . Me thinks its $75 plus shipping... takes a couple weeks b/c coming from Japan anyways... the button allows you to use electric only no ICE. BUT... there are conditions... these are to the best of my knowledge... 1) must be under 42 hours per hour... 2) the engine must already be 'pre-heated' / so cold mornings like here in delaware today... ev would not have been allowed b/c it is computer controlled fail/safe... 3) the battery must have enough juice.. These is my understanding of EV Button and rules that allow it to function. There is sticky somewhere, under audio/electronics, maybe that says EV Button Video install. supposed to snow again here on my days off... so i might try to find a family member with a heated garage that will allow me to install my bazooka... need my b b b basss happy pc'ing...
I'm in Hershey, Pa! Prius people...wave to me when I wave to you!!! I like modding things (computers/cars)...let me know if you are doing any mods!
Hello Hershey Welcome to the PA Club! I love modding too... i buy it ; break it ; mod it ; ehh sometimes sell it... haven't modded my wife yet anyways... any suggestions on when n where for a meet? i am also working the NJ club to create a huge meet...
Hi there pr4424. Great to have you here. We will be planning for a meet as soon as the weather gets warmer. Don't be a stranger. Drive safe.
Hello PA Prius. Once the weather improves, we will meet. Where exactly is Akron, PA. I'm in York County, SE near the MD/PA line.
I live in Hanover and own two Prius's. One is a 2005 with 60k miles and the other is a 2007 with 6k miles. I bought it fully loaded ( leather, Nav etc) in Sept 2007 before the rebate ended. My father-in-law had a 2004 so I have been driving a Prius for a number of years and couldn't be happier. If you start a club or know of one locally I would be interested in joining. There are a lot of Prius's in Hanover. Twofer
Hi Twofer. I am not sure, if there is a Prius club already in existence...but my gut feeling is that there isn't any. We can start small and have a small meet this Spring or Summer. We just need to get a whole lot more active forum participation.
Hi all: I'm a new Prius owner (2 weeks) and I live in Easton (Northampton County). Would love to meet other Prius owners!
Welcome LindaD8284. Great to have you from Easton. How are you enjoying your Prius? I've got almost 7K now and I couldn't be happier.
I'm still surprised at how much I love this car. This is the first time I ever bought a car where I liked everything about it!