What is your favorite web page? We all know and love PriusChat . . . but what is your other favorite web page? MINE: Cal/Nevada earthquakes . . . http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/recenteqs/ [later edit] OOPS! Didn't mean to be so CA/NV centric. USA . . . http://earthquake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/ World . . . http://earthquake.usgs.gov/recenteqsww/
HomeStarRunner ROCKS! I was at a stoplight a couple months ago and someone had a window sticker of Strong Bad. I felt almost honored that I am the one in the hundred (thousand) who would get it. Yeah, sounds cheesey, but PC is my current favorite. Wikipedia is another favorite. It's like an encyclopedia for the average person. Once you come to understand that Wikipedia is full of pages written by mostly average people, you learn to truly appreciate the definitions and explinations provided. Also, the front page is great for just random knowledge, facts about the current day, and things in general.
I don't know is this is my favorit webpage, but it's a great comic (particularly if you're in or ever have been in grad school): www.phdcomics.com
thats easy... www.howstuffworks.com one of the most imformative sites i have ever seen. they specialize in explaining technically challenging topics in a way that any normal non-technical person can understand. they have a rather large section on hybrids... very interesting reading. its too bad that some of the info is dated. most of the Prius stuff still deals with the classic
I don't have a favorite, so to speak, but I find myself hitting this one quite often when it's cold here (one can dream!): http://tweencam.tween-waters.com/twcam/twcam.html
No brainer... http://www.24hourclassiccars.com/thelibrar...cars/050800.cfm the one about ME :mrgreen: Bob Andersen
Think Geek (nobody should be surprised... :mrgreen: ) Get Fuzzy. I love Bucky Cat! Reminds me of my own Siamese.... *scary thought* :mrgreen: And Mac Hall.
<SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION MODE> I really like to start my day by checking all of the news at Steve's News http://stevesnews.org/ Then, if I'm feeling like an old commie pinko hippie peacenik fag, and I want to see a more left-leaning version of the news I head on over to UnFox News http://unfoxnews.com/ Or, if I feel like ragging on the President of the United States of America, I might try My Stupid President http://mystupidpresident.com/ Or, if I'm feeling particularly oppressed today by the dominant local religion I could visit Imaginary Bearded Sky Daddy http://imaginarybeardedskydaddy.com/ for some comic relief. These are just a few of my favorite websites of mine. </SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION MODE>