I know the oldest HSD Prii are only a little over a year old at this point, but I was wondering how many miles folks have put on their 04 Prii to date and what kind of service issues they had if any. I read about a taxi driver in Canada who drove his classic Prius for hundreds of thousands of miles until he replaced it with an 04 Prius. Someone out there drives their vehicle for a living and has probably put some extreme miles on it. So what is the most miles anyone has put on their 2004 Prius? Please tell us... I'm only at about 9,000 miles with no issues. But that's child's play I'm sure to some heavy commuters or folks using their Prii for professional purposes . . . Please tell! Cheers, Powers.
Try here: http://www.greenhybrid.com/compare/mileage...hp?cat=priushsd looks like top mileage there is 20k or so (haven't updated mine there in ages) - but I'm over 20k and haven't had a single issue yet. Granted, it's only 20k, so it's still very early in the car's life (hopefully, anyway!) -m.
I did 11,000 miles in four months before selling my '04 for a 2005 Prius. Only thing done was two oil changes, a tire rotation and a little gas. Very... little... gas, I might add. :mrgreen:
Have a look at this site: http://avt.inel.gov/hev.html They have two 2004 Priuses on test with a total of 38.000 miles. John
I've got a little over 24K -- I expect to have 30K by the one year mark. I just had my rear wiper arm replaced under warranty (it was making too much noise even with plenty of rain). I thought it was just a matter of adjustment but the dealer opted to replace it. I also got a warranty alignment at 20K due to slightly uneven wear of the tires -- must be the potholes in the DC area. No other issues and nothing out of pocket beyond routine maintenance.