pic of someones license plate looked cool its kinda hard to see, but the personalized plate says my hibrd
I have always been baffled by your type of license plate. Doesn't your car already say Prius on the trunk lid? I get a kick out of those that have: SLVR GTI RED 911 I mean, like we couldn't already tell you have a Silver GTI, or a Red 911? Anyway, to each their own. Personally, I would like: MPG LOL or EPA LOL
You're Right SteamBoat... I wanted to show my love for my prius, hybrids and the enivroment on my plate... unfortunately, there are too many 'crazies' around me... i didnt want to upset anyone and have them take it out on my baby... i like your suggestions, especially mpg lol actually going out in the cold windy weather now to try to install a bazooka...
Around my area: 0-60 IN 4: 911 Carrera4 Cabriolet XQZMOI - MINI Cooper X-OTIC - MINI Cooper 71MPG - 2007 Prius 10NE1 - Sequoia
Nice, make sure you take pictures of the install. Which Bazooka did you get? I am considering going that route. I can't wait, I get excited about this stuff. Sorry for the hi jack.
I guess I am bad also. My plate is: PRIUS 1 I also live in an oil town and believe my car would suffer if I put anything too radical on it. I do get cool comments when I take my car into the dealership for its service and discounted prices to boot.
I guess I also am bad (or worse)! The plate for my 07 TCH (Camry Hybrid) is: Drum roll please! 07 TCH
Mine is SPARK5 Just something random I thought of. A work friend has a Mini Check Mate with a checkered flag design on the front guards. Her numberplate is CHCKM8 A bit of a worry, there is a condom brand called Checkmate and a strip club in Adelaide called Checkmates.
For our 2006 Prius we have - BEST MPG On our 2008 Highlander Hybrid we have - MOST MPG These are on FL tags. Bill in FL
Well, you could be more subtle with the colour thing, like, say HYO plates on a silver car, but you'll have a lot of 'splainin' to do...
well.. it was to darn cold yesterday... so didnt do much... only cust some wood to create a template to mount bazooka. I do not want to drill or physically attach to prius... shes my baby i am installing the nos8a tube its 150 rms and is blue and has a nos sticker on it... thought it would be funny to see a nos bottle in a prius
I’ve always made it a hobby to keep an eye out for interesting plates, and this is a bit off Prius topic, but I thought this (attached photo) was as close to the 'ultimate' statement that a ( collection of ) plate/s could make. Even more incredible is the fact that this collection of alphabetically organized license plates by States sounding out our United States Constitution, is on prominent display in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. This infers that it was conceived of, approved of, and created by our Government officials :clap2:-- Really cool if you think about the amount of effort that must have been put into this…:thumb: Sorry for the poor picture quality (taken with cell phone).