From the old 6th meet up discussion Saturday the 16th works for me and the public market sounds like a cool place to visit. Lets do it!
Saturday the 16th is good for me! The market is not very large. I'd say that we could meet either in the center, at the seating area, or by the information booth at the entrance to the market. There isn't a whole lot of seating, so we should probably try to stake a claim there. I'm usually easy to spot, as I have long bright red hair.
Not gonna make it, DH surprised me with a trip to the Grand Canyon for Valentines day. & we're going that weekend! Have fun!
There are 2 gravel lots adjoining the market, and a paved lot on the opposite side of McKinley (NE corner). If we want to try to park together to get a group shot of the cars, we could try to congregate at either the paved lot on the north side of McKinley, or the north end of the gravel lot.
Well, I was there, but nobody found me. They moved the seating area to the south end of the market instead of the center to allow for growth. Don't know if anyone else was there, but didn't find the seating area..... or were too shy to talk to the redhead in the dark red sweater (aka, me)?
Darn... I missed this one, but will try to make the next one. Also, just a thought, could we post this in the AZ group area as well? I don't frequent this forum very much, but I do look in the AZ one quite often. Cheers! -- Jeff
Not sure what everyone else's excuse was but I overslept my alarm Saturday morning. Lame, I know, but I've been crazy busy lately. I'll try to think of a good spot for the next meet unless someone beats me to it