Hello everyone, Now I know that this is a loaded question, but what I am hoping for is some arguments for or against this as I don't really have anyone to bounce this off of. The premium agreement that Troy sells shows that you get a service every 5K up through the 55K service. There are 3 "major" services at 15, 30, and 45K. All the other services only have an oil change and tire rotation. I called the local Toyota shop and for a tire rotation and oil change it costs ~$42. That means 11 of them at $462. Troy sells this for $875 (MSRP is $1355). Working with Troy's price that leaves $413. So are you getting $138 worth of service at three "major" services. It seems that there isn't really much to do but to "check the ....." No mention of changing the plugs, changing the transaxle fluid, changing the coolant. I know that this is one of the great things about the Prius is that it is build well. Are the mechanics really going to "check" the brake rotor run out and give me the tolerances at the 45K major service or is this most likely just a way to get you in to make a sales pitch? For those who have the agreement, did you have to pay for air filters for the cabin and engine? Thanks Steve and Kira Here is what is suppose to happen at 15K and 45k Inspect the following: Ball joints and dust covers Brake lines and hoses Drive shaft boots Engine/inverter coolant 3 Exhaust pipes and mountings Radiator, condenser and/or intercooler Steering gear box Steering linkage and boots Here is what is suppose to happen at 30K in addition to oil and tire rotation Replace air and cabin filter Inspect the following: Automatic transmission fluid Ball joints and dust covers Brake lines and hoses Brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs 4 Drive shaft boots Engine/inverter coolant 3 Exhaust pipes and mountings Front differential oil Fuel lines and connections, fuel tank band and fuel tank vapor vent system hoses Fuel tank cap gasket Radiator, condenser and/or intercooler Steering gear box Steering linkage and boots
No, no....and "No". You'll pay several times as much and pay for stuff you don't need and that won't offer any benefit to your car. Live by the Blue "passport"...Check back with us when you hit 60k miles b/c we do have recommendations different than the passport at that point and there's an entire permanant sticky thread in the "Care, Maintenence, & Troubleshooting" forum you can refer to then.
More savings opportunities: Much of the basic stuff is easy for a DIY-er. Engine and cabin air filters can be done with no tools by virtually anyone in about 2 minutes each -- even though we see reports of dealers charging as much as 1/2 hour labor. Oil and filter changes are relatively easy and can be done without lifting the car (though lifting it gives a little more room for my big body). Goodyear dealers will often rotate OEM Goodyear tires for free. It's worth a check at your local Goodyear store.
I personally, do not believe that they even check most of the stuff they claim to check. There is very little chance that there is ever any problems with those "inspection items" so I doubt they even bother. There really is such a small amount of maintenance required, you don't need to take it to the dealer much. As far as tire rotation, I always buy my tires at Costco and you get free lifetime rotation AND balance. Dealer maintenance is a rip off and a huge profit center for the dealer. (not that there is anything wrong with that)
I usually work on my own cars, however, I usually try to have dealer service during the 3 years of warranty period on the off chance that they find something that I don't. This came in handy with our Honda Pilot. One module was going bad and causing bad mileage. We had no idea why we were getting about 25 miles less per tank. The dealer's diagnostics found it and it was replaced free of charge. The car is out of warranty so they won't see me again. There are a ton of electronics on the Prius and can a do it yourself mechanic find problems? I'm just asking, not trying to start an argument. Additionally, they do top off fluids and find leaks and such which I don't do very well and I prefer to have someone else do those things. Once this car is out of the 3-year warranty I'm on my own, but I would really hate to have something wrong with the car and find out about it six months after the warranty expires. I've been through that before and it's no fun working with the regional sales office to get relief.
yes, take it in and let them maintain it, then take it home. All you spent was time and gas. I got used to "free" scheduled maint. with the Jag. Once the maint plan was over I found myself worried about when to take the car in because of other costs of having fun. Something you don't have to worry about, priceless.
yes, take it in and let them maintain it, then take it home. All you spent was time and gas. I got used to "free" scheduled maint. with the Jag. Once the maint plan was over I found myself worried about when to take the car in because of other costs of having fun. Something you don't have to worry about, priceless.