2007 Prius package 3, tried transferring some numbers from my phone to the cars phone book. I have a RAZR v3i so it's one number at a time. I transferred an entry from the phone and it came through to the cars phone book fine. Then I assigned it to a speed dial, once this happened I can no longer assign anything to that speed dial. I have cleared the entire phone book and speed dials, I have cleared all "Personal Information" and nothing gets rid of this phantom speed dial. When I go to the assign screen for speed dials it says that they are all free but when I go to "Register" to try to assign a phone book entry to it is is "disabled". I will try and take pics later of it. My question is, does anyone know a way of doing a REAL reset of the bluetooth settings other than the clearing the "Personal Information" and the like. Anyway every have a problem like this? Called the dealer, of course they have NO IDEA, big surprise!
Re: Speed Dial Stuck! Did you ever get an answer on this? I have the same problem with my '06 Prius. There's on phantom entry that's greyed out. I tried deleting the what shows up there, but it doesn't help. And the entry shown there will randmoly change, occasionally, also. Anybody know how to wipe this phantom speed dial entry, so the slot can actually be used?
Re: Speed Dial Stuck! I have a Mot Q 9h cell phone and the problem I have is the Prius locks into speed dial only and you can't manually enter a number. The only way out of this is to reboot the car!!! This is annying as hell. Is this similar to your problem and anyone find a way out?
Re: Speed Dial Stuck! No, sounds like a different issue. For me, only speed dial works when moving. Everything works when stopped. This is how it is designed. If I'm going to manually dial, I almost alwways do it from my phone, rather than from the touchscreen. My problem is having a slot in the speed dial interface that is locked up with a greyed out entry that cannot be removed.
Phantom Speed Dial Stucks again! On my 2007 Prius, the bottom right button on the first speed dial screen looks almost like the other programmable speed dial buttons, but it is in fact a redial button that always shows the last number called. I also tried to reprogram it a couple times before I figured that out. Perhaps this is your phantom speed dial?
Re: Speed Dial Stuck! are you guys possibly talking about the speed dial selection that is actually a "redial" button. The reason it changes sometimes is because it's for recalling the last number you dialed.
Re: Phantom Speed Dial Stucks again! Hmm. Sounds like that's probably it. (Is that behavior documented int he manual, and I just glossed over it?) I will check and see. Thanks!
Re: Speed Dial Stuck! I'm assuming that you see 17/17 available (when none are assigned). So if yours is the same as my '08, that translates to 5 on tab 1, and 6 each on tabs 2 and 3. (5+6+6=17) So of the six slots that appear to be visible on tab 1, the redial button doesn't count toward your total of available speed dial slots.
Just purchased my second Prius, 2008. I set up speed dial without a hitch but it is dimmed out even when moving at slow (driveway) speed. Is there a minimum speed before it is accessible or is there a different solution?
Re: Speed Dial Stuck! My question with my 2005 Prius is that i can't even dial from the phone when moving! What if i need to dial 911?