Anyone out there have any interest in getting Prius owners/wanna be owners together? or starting a local Prius club?
If you folks in San Diego start a Prius club, I'd like to see you sponsor a summer activity/get-together for Prius drivers from across the country who might be interested in attending the grand opening inaugeration of your wonderful, new U.S.S. Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum there on the foot of Broadway (an awsomely huge ship with a battle strewn history). I think it’s opening around the June 4 – 7 timeframe (anniversary of the battle of Midway after which the ship is named). I plan to go. It’d be great to get together with a bunch of folks who share similar good sense and taste in cars. Ken
i'm ready, willing and somewhat able, it would fun. and then it would be great if there's a Tech Daze also.
I live in Laguna Niguel. A Sat/Sun in North S.D. county would work for me. Maybe an S.D. & O.C meeting would be fun?
I live in Ocean Beach and very interested in talking and meeting owners as well. It would be fun to all get together!