My driver's side (left side) vent controls are a little bit askew. Can someone tell me the safest way to remove this panel so I can investigate what is going on in there? Here is a pic I poached off this site of the panel I wish to remove. Thank you in advance.
Nope, that is a picture I stole from this site. I can assure you that my vent panel is still firmly attached. I just don't want to break anything getting it off.
sounds rough but all you need to do is dig your nails in on the top between the vent and the dash and give er a yank. I always do it from the top and havent had any problems yet. (and ive had it off probably 20 times)
Holy crap! You're right. Since your post, I have already yanked that sucker off and straightened the vent. Thanks. I actually pulled the top off, then used a flat blade to pop the bottom off. It popped right off. The vent was not seated correctly in the panel. FIXED!!! Thanks.
A butter knife or flat-head screw driver can help to get you started getting the vent off...pry at the very top.
I was afraid of breaking it as well. This is what I did: To remove the vent panel I used a black plastic you use to flip your pancakes ! Start at the top and wedge it gently between it and the dash. Slowly pry vent plastic away from dash until about 1/2" out. Then rinse and repeat on the bottem where vent plastic meets with the grey underdash plastic. Be gentle and you'll see that it almost "pops" right off. Good luck and be gentle