I just upgraded the audio in my wife's 2007 Prius with "premium" JBL and navigation. I installed the Alpine PXE H650 processor under the seat and a JL-Audio 300/4 in the hatch. The front doors got new speakers and all four doors and the floor got sound-deadening (butyl) treatment. Now radio reception is worse. Any ideas why? By the way, I will soon be doing a write up (w/pics) of the installation process.... and it sounds awesome !
In installing anything, did you take out the headunit from the dash? It could be just the antenna isn't plugged into the headunit. Also, take a look and make sure you still have your antenna on the roof of the car. Those things are easily swiped.
I did a bunch of work at the JBL amp, but no, nothing with the headunit. Just looked out the window, and the antenna is still there. I thought that might be it. thanks for the ideas
What you may be hearing is the quality of the radio previously hidden or muffled by the poor quality amp & speakers in the stock unit. When you upgrade you now have something that sounds killer with the CD? If so then you may not be happy w the radio. I found exactly that with my system. sometimes the radio is ok at best dependant on what is playing. I found myself searching for my best CD's - and now after fumbling to find them I am leaning towards the dice/IPOD & Sirius solutions. An aftermarket radio may be the answer but I wanted to keep the steering wheel controls as well. Steve
This did cross my mind. The cd's are so good. Also, any static in a station may be more pronounced with more power behind it. -Just when I thought I was nearing the end of Prius upgrades, I have to consider getting Sirius.
I would also suspect an impedance mis-match with the antenna. Reception is exquisitely sensitive to such matters. The length of the cable from the antenna to the receiver even factors in. Read the specs for the receiver and see if they match those for the antenna (if you can find them. A simple adaptor may fix it if that is the problem.
I added a processor between the stock JBL amp and the added amplifier, but I have not changed the receiver/headunit or the antenna, nor messed with them. I wonder if the stock antenna wire runs near my new stuff. If it runs near my new amp and/or wiring, maybe there is interference that way??? Anyone know the path of the stock antenna wire in the car??? The reception sound is definitely worse than before my install. Ugh.