I am in San Francisco for a few days and have been enjoying the site of Prii around every corner! I was up here 16 months ago and don't remember seeing so many; but now they are literally EVERYWHERE! I thought they dominated Los Angeles, but wow!!!! The funny thing is they don't usually roam alone here- you'll see one coming and there is one right next to/behind it! Crazy! Go San Fran!! I really wonder how many Prii are registered in the state of CA? I bet more than any other place in the world! I have some pretty photos of my "girl" that I will post when I return later this week- finally got some clear weather! Also I had a brilliant idea! A lot of the streets here have the power lines above the street for the public transit; what if the Prius could somehow connect to these lines and run off them? HAHAHA
Yes, the Bay Area is crawling with Prii. Reminds me of the 60's when VW Beetles were everywhere. I guess it is a sign of the changing times. In the 60's the Beetle was by far the least expensive car available in the US. Now the Prius is one of the highest gas mileage cars in the US. Apparently our priorities have changed.
There was an article in the San Jose Mercury awhile back stating that Silicon Valley had the highest concentration of Prii anywhere in the country. Unfortunately, they've taken the article down from their site (or put it behind paid-content wall).
I was up in Sunnyvale earlier today, on a business trip, and I was also pleased to see how many Prii were in the parking lot. Most were post-HOV, too, so it's great to see people buying them just for the economy / statement. (Or they didn't do their homework w.r.t. the stickers no longer being issued...) Anyway. Made me feel all homesick, with my poor 2005 sitting in the ABQ airport garage...
Off topics. I am buying Prius this weekend, and which dealers in SF Bay Area has the best deal. You can PM me.
Yea needs a shark fin and black wheels! My tires are almost due to be replaced, so thinking she may get some new rims! The black on black looks awesome! I need to explore on here and talk to peeps on here to see what prices to expect.
I'm north of San Francisco in Marin County and have had the same "they're everywhere" experience. (I also thought about the VW beetles in the 1960s!) Priii are so abundant here that, before we bought ours, my husband and I took a Saturday morning stroll through the parking lots around the local mall to see what colors and other details we liked! Probably saw 40 cars. Also noted that silver is a very popular color!