Good mileage for cold weather. We are at -2 degrees F right now, with the wind chill down to -21 degrees F. I think I'll stay inside. Tom
Right now, the temperature here is -14°F with a windchill at -39°F. Needless to say, I won't be seeing 50 MPG. .
Yea, you guys get colder weather but less snow. Blowing across the Lakes warms the air but adds a lot of moisture. "And the cold spot in the nation is International Falls..."; how many times have I heard that on a weather report. Tom
Yesterday I drove about 40 km, getting 6.5 l/100 km or 36 MPG US. It was -30C. Windchill has no effect on the car, other than cooling it off quicker when you shut down. It still only gets to the ambient temp without the windchill factored in. It was nice and warm inside the car. Grills are blocked! Even so, the thermostat probably never opened, as the coolant never got over 70C, and the thermostat opens between 80 and 85C. "Normal" cars get about half what I am getting in these temps. For example, last year I had a rental tiny Suzuki POS that got 12 l/100 km over the month I had it. Oh, and yes, it's cold out. That happens in winter.
Wind chill does affect cars, but then cars are normally moving. Wind has the effect of increasing or decreasing the apparent wind felt by the car. For example, driving at 55 mph into a 50 mph wind is the same aerodynamically and thermally as driving 105 mph into calm air. Driving the other direction is the same as 5 mph. Of course, the wind chill numbers as published are for exposed flesh. The thermal characteristics of a car are quiet different. Blocking the grill changes them yet again. Tom
Yes but if your driving 55 mph and have a 55 mph tail wind, does that mean your not moving??? Or is it head wind? or is it Breaking wind? whew thats a whole nother subject.
Bite me. It's -6F right now in Chicagoland. By morning, it's expected to be -4 with a -14 wind chill. They're calling for more snow tomorrow night too.
But we are going to break our snowfall record tomorrow night. The potholes will get bigger more snow and really cold temps, what not to like.
If it makes you feel any better, it does get colder at night. The forecast for the inland valleys calls for a low of 47°F tonight (and back to 80°F tomorrow).
Yesterday took our first Road Trip with the 05. Out side Temps was -7 according to the screen. First part of the trip we stayed on two lane highways with the cruise set at 55 and averaged 43 MPG. Coming home we were on Freeway with the cruise set at 75 (speedlimit on ND Freeways) and got 36.5 average. We had the heat set for 72 degrees. Would this be considered normal?
Can you guys really have fun all year long without snow in your backyard. For instance, here in Bozeman, we can drive 25 minutes and then put on our skiis. And in the winter our days are filled with shoveling, attaching battery tenders, putting on layers of clothing, and dodging cars.
Regards to the Abbington VA post, first congratulations on your mileage. For those other people who are having difficulty matching those numbers, look again at her 30 min read out. The longer you are on the open road the better the mileage. For those who have short errands or short commutes, particularly in cold climates, your mileage will be adversly affected.
im still on my first tank... so low mpg is expected... 11 F when i woke up this morning in delawhere?? now its about 20 F... i wish we had some snow
There is plenty of snow (annual average 180 inches) as close as Mount Waterman, a mere 25 miles drive from downtown Los Angeles.
Expecting: - Adelaide Forecast for Tuesday A fine and mostly sunny morning. Cloud increasing late afternoon with possible isolated drizzle developing about the hills and southern suburbs in the evening. Light to moderate southwest to southeast winds, strengthening during the late afternoon and evening. Precis Mainly fine. City: Max 27C Elizabeth: Max 27C Mount Barker: Max 25C Noarlunga: Max 25C On the weekend it will be around 36C and if I want to go for a ski I can travel about an hour to Murray Bridge put the boat in the water and stick a ski on my feet and go. Surfing is 15 minutes away and the swimming pool is in the back yard by the timber deck. Winter temperatures sometimes go as low as minimum 0C but never snows sometimes frost. Enjoy shoveling your snow.
Okay Okay, extra points for you since you live in Southern CA, and for LA. So, how long does it take to drive those 25 miles?