Hello everyone, I am new here, but I have sad news to report... I was T-boned coming home from work on Friday! The guy never stop at the red light. 45 miles and hour into my baby. The car was hit on the passenger side. The other driver was driving an Chevy Equinox. His frontend was pretty messed up! If I can figure how to up load pics I will! NO ONE WAS HURT... thank God! It was clealy his fault and he openly admits it! Anyway I guess I am looking for some words of wisdom. I have never been in an accident and i am concerned that there will be more underlying problems that wont be seen when the insurance adjuster looks at it. Does anyone have any words of wisdom or thing i should be telling the insurance company?
Here is what it looks like... I for got to mention too... the front passenger wheel is pretty bent to hell!
Ouch! Sorry your first post has to be one like this. It does look like your car got less VISIBLE damage than the other one but they really have to check it out thoroughly. I can't offer you any answers but can have sympathy pains.
+1. I'm glad I wasn't a passenger in your car at the moment of impact. Thank goodness everyone was ok. Good luck, and welcome to the forum.
My first prius 07... was totalled on nov 15 '07... just a got a new one on jan 15 '08... my advice get a lawyer and document everything and make copies of everthing... i am still fighting the other driver...
Sorry to hear about your accident. I am also glad to hear that nobody got hurt. As far as getting your Prius repaired, make sure that you go to a reputable Toyota repair shop and have them assess the damage (totalled or not). You have the choice as to where your Prius should be taken to. Don't forget to be checked out by your personal doctor just in case you experience any discomfort due to the accident. Document everything...if you think something is not going your way it is recommended to get yourself a lawyer for proffesional help and advice. Keep us posted down the road. Regards.
A Picutre From My Accident... My accident... a young underage female driver made an illegal left turn and turned into the front of my car. She hit my driver front and I hit her center front. I suffered head, neck, should and knee injuries. Attended lots of doctors and physical therapy... The other driver is denying liablity... So everything is out of pocket... So I hired a lawyer ASAP to fight for my money back... btw, still fighting 3 months later... she was listed at fault on the police report... Also... my baby was totalled for two reasons... the frame was damaged.... and upon impact the brake fluid canister exploded and brake fluid covered the entire car, requiring the entire body to be repainted... i hope this anwsers some questions... let me know if there are any more...
Ouch! So sorry to hear about the accident. Glad you are ok, that's the main thing. All the best on getting it fixed, or may be you will get a brand new Prius. Welcome to PC.
Thank you to all of you... I will keep you informed as everything unfolds. Any new information or suggestions in the meantime are still welcome! Thanks again!
I am glad that no one got hurt, but I would have cried if if that happened to my baby. I hope everything turns out well for you my friend. Actually I am almost crying just thinking about it....
When our Prius got hit from behind we had about 4000 miles on it. The other driver admitted responsibility and his insurance company covered all expenses. (We got hit from behind while waiting to turn left.) It took about 2.5 months to fix, but runs fine now and had no problems with getting paid. (They had State Farm insurance.) Even paid for a rental car for the whole period. But I really missed my Prius! So not everyone has a nightmare from these accidents. By the way, the bodyshop people were VERY impressed with how well the Prius protects the passengers. They have actually worked with quite a few damaged Prius. They worked closely with the Toyota dealership regarding the hybrid battery. The dealership van came and got batteries out before the bodywork began and they did all the reinstall and testing before delivery to us.