So I was driving up the Mississippi River Parkway last night here in my home town of Minneapolis, MN, and someone in an oncoming car threw an egg at me! At first, I didn't even realize what had happened. I heard a loud thud and there was some white crap on my windshield. I thought perhaps the oncoming car had kicked up some slush, or something. It was around -10F outside and the egg hardened immediately, so that the egg on the windshield was completely immune to the wipers and squirters. After some searching, I found a wash-it-yourself car wash that was still open at -10F and 10:00pm and I was able to get the egg off the car. This involved opening the hood and spraying everything out under there as well. The actual point of impact was the left head-light which caused the egg to go absolutely everywhere. It also damaged the head-light on my less-than-two-month-old 2008 Prius. (Although not very seriously.) <sigh> I wish I had realized what had happened sooner, as I would have gone after them to get their license plate number. As it stands, I am left with a damaged car, but an insurance deductible higher than the damage. Was my Prius the target of a hate crime? I tend to think it was too dark for a person in an oncoming car to even be able to identify what I was driving in the time he had to make the throw/no throw decision with regard to the egg. --Josh
I am sorry to hear that. It is probably just a random incident as qbee said. People are really immature sometimes...
Sounds like a case of Saturday night boredom amongst immature drivers with nothing better to do. Sorry this happened to you.
random acts of violence no doubt. at least it wasn't hard boiled, although at those temps a frozen egg could really do some damage.
You're lucky the impact of the egg was on the headlight and not the actual paint. Eggshell impact damages the paint right down to the undercoat. Seldom can you buff it out. You usually have to repaint the entire panel.
I think unlikely. Just a while ago I read a topic on driveaccords forum where someone's accord was egged (while sitting on the driveway overnight or some such thing). Probably just a random act of vandalism by some kid who does not realize that an egg thrown at speed can damage another car's paint.
I agree. Consider yourself lucky. The local scum here drop rocks off overpasses. I would think a clear bra would have prevented some damage in this case.
Glad to hear that you did not get hurt. It is unfortunate that your new car sustained some minor damage/scratches perhaps...Post some pics, if you can...This probably can be repaired or buffed so it can be unoticeable.
I am sure that in the dark and at an approach speed of double your speed and meticulous planning the egg thrower targeted a Prius driver. It's always the car. (not targeted at the OP) Sorry about the egg and the stupid people in this world. A few stupid people here are in gaol because they thought it would be fun to drop rocks off a footbridge. One is in for manslaughter! Should have been murder I think. Good luck with fixing your car.
Our Prius got egged in the driveway one night. We probably would not have noticed it right away if it had not been for the egg shell lying in the front yard. I was able to wash it off and the only apparent damage was a few little scratches where the egg probably hit. Too bad it's so hard to have nice things.
The only real damage appears to be to the plastic of the headlight itself, and it's actually very minor. (I'll try to post a pic later.) It didn't actually crack it, but the car is so new (under two months) that I'm still sort of in the mode of wanting everything to stay absolutely perfect with it. My comment about wondering if the car was a victim of a hate crime was sort of tongue in cheek, as I don't seriously think it would have been possible to target my car.