Nitro tires I took my car in to have the nitrogen put in and told them to pump them up to the tire's max. Well my tires have 44 max in the front and the back tires are 55. These were on the car when I bought it. The tireman wouldn't do it and said 40 max was all they needed or I would feel like I was riding in a horse drawn wagon. Any takes on this? My tires are the same size by the way.
The front tires should be 2 psi higher than the rear. This is because of the weight distribution in the Prius. Tom
I just joined the "44/42 club" here. I have noticed an immediate jump in MPG. When I got to my tires they were pretty much 38-38.
how rough is 44/42 compared to like 40/38? I just picked up my car this week and they were like 35-36. bumping to 40/38 doesnt feel too rough to me. should I bump to 44/42?
I'm only my second day on the higher pressure. If there is a difference in ride, I haven't noticed it.
Whatever on the engines, I thought there was one gas and one electric ;all I know is that something burns gas and something runs on electricity and I get great mpg.
I juste checked my tire pressures (new car out of the dealership), and they have 43-44 front, 42-43 rear vs the 35/33 manufacturer recommendation. I get the point about rolling resistance, so is it an established fact that 44/42 is the best compromise between mileage, even wear and cornering/braking grip ?
I joined the 44/42 club and seem to be getting better mpgs. I think the ride is the same, mayber smoother on the interstate. MY car kind of road like a buggy anyway.
I agree, these cars aren't known for their "luxouriously" smooth ride. So I pumped mine up to 45/45 on a set of Goodyear Assurance tires (max 44psi) We'll see how well they do in this nice Chicago winter we're having