I will try to tighten it up it's the top half of the seat in the back rest seems to have a little air. Front seats that is.
Now I know what you mean. I have a little air too, being you have to tuck in the old cover velcro fastener into the rear of the front seats. I see no easy solution but then again I'm more then happy with the seats.
tighten hard enough and it will go away... i had this problem initially, but it's not there anymore... post some pix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u didn't try 390 ? we've established that he would be ok with 400... so it would be nice if someone can go lower than 400 and see where he stops
Initial offer = 380 counteroffer by seller = 420 counter by me = 395 counter by seller = 410 counter by me = 400 accepted by seller.
i guess it's official .. 400 .. and i think the price is very reasonable.... now let's post pictures!!!!!! and figure out the battery area... i'll try another week to take a look at it...
looks realy nice if only the center arm and doorpanel armrests front and back where in cluded omg i like it and now i see "only shipping inside usa? "
eBay Motors: Toyota Prius 04 05 06 07 08 leather Seat cover (item 120207706432 end time Mar-07-08 14:11:33 PST) This auction including 2 front seats ( driver side and passanger side) and back seat. aslo, all headrests.
i don't know why you're arguing.. and you're not understanding my statement... both diversified and i have received it with the center console. When i said read.. i meant this thread not your ebay link. But if you do read your ebay link he states that the center console is included. Please read....
dont get me wrong i like the look off it and going to buy then in the future i hope. dont stress out relax man