Hi all... My fiancee is buying her '06 Base this week and I don't think it has a cargo cover for it. Anyone looking to get rid of their gray cargo cover? Reply here or PM me if you've got one. On a side note, I've checked eBay, there are a few on there, but I figured it couldn't hurt to help someone out here first.
Actually, I was going to check today when I dropped the Prius off at the dealer to get some service done and I totally forgot. I'll reply in here again after I've checked under the back deck to make sure it's not hiding under there. Thanks much in advance!!!
I still have mine, first person to offer me some cash via paypal gets it. Let me know what your offer is. J
Hey, I just picked the new baby up from the dealership last night and sure enough, the cargo cover was stowed under the back deck... so I'm not so much in need of one any more... Thanks anyways!
LOL too funny. Goes to show that if you buy a used Prius it'd be good to check every compartment, especially the hidden ones. Might find a cargo cover, owner's manual or even valuables.