Did anyone watch the documentary where they auctioned off all the remaining Star Trek props, uniforms, models, etc.? It was sad to see everything disappear because you knew it wouldn't be making anymore appearances in TV shows or movies. The money raised went beyond where any mortals have gone before...
Huh? They were very selective. Only key props were auctioned. There's still a massive warehouse filled with stuff. Of course, it wouldn't matter anyway. CG and creating new items is the preferred approach nowadays. Remember, you're discussing with someone who has literally gone where no one has gone before. I'm a Prius founder. .
There's a touring show of memorabilia. It was in the TV guide. I'll bet quite a bit of the stuff is in that show.
I'm sure I still have a big Romulan Warbird model kit around somewhere. Man, am I ever going to have a busy retirement. Which I'm ready to start any time now, with one small difficulty.
Isn't anyone going to mention the babes? Yes, I watched the original series. The Sexy Women of Star Trek Harry
FWIW, I passed by Officer Candidate College exam for Starfleet International, and have been recruited as the Executive Officer for the soon-to-be USS Abraham Lincoln. As a result I am officially promoted to Commander. You can address me as Commander Doctor Willie henceforth.
It's NOT "Trekkie"... It IS "TREKER". JEEEEEZZZZZ.... <---- Bajoran, Vintor D'Jarra... and yes, I have the earring...
Let's see...I own: The entire Star Trek The Next Generation series on DVD. All 7 boxes! On LaserDisc (those BIG shiny things)... Star Trek The Motion Picture (PAL) Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan (PAL) Star Trek III The Search for Spock (PAL) Star Trek IV The Voyage Home (PAL) Star Trek V The Final Frontier (PAL) Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country (PAL) Star Trek Generations (PAL) Star Trek Generations (NTSC) All the Pilots of the TV series in a box set (PAL) A bunch of Next Generation Episodes I bought off e-bay (NTSC) Oh and a LOT of episodes of Enterprise and Voyager I taped off air. I think I even have some DS9 in the pile of VHS tapes. There's a satellite channel here called GO! that is airing all the 1960s episodes now. OMG they look dated! Never liked the original series much. Perhaps the newly reworked CGI version will be more pallatable. The ONLY other space Sci-Fi show I ever liked was Babylon 5.
We just got the DVD set of the 10 Star Trek movies... that was christmas for us! (and got them for a great deal, too!) I used to have most episodes of classic, next gen, and DS9 on VHS tape, too... Right now, we are into season 4 of Babylon 5 (DVD from Netflix)... I never got to see the whole series before.
We are big fans of Babylon 5 also. I spent one summer watching the whole thing, which I had recorded on VCR (remember those?). It held up. When my eldest daughter was applying for college, she came up to me one day. "Daddy, they asked me to name someone or something from which I got my values. How to I explain that all my values come from the 23rd century? Everything I needed to know in life came from Star Trek and Babylon 5."