I would like to organize a meetup before winter comes along. I'm hoping for some time in early December. The problem is that while we would all probably like to recommend some place right next to our own front door, we need to understand that we probably live a hundred miles from each other. This is one reason why I asked for this group. We can be a little more specific in our exact location here, if only in providing our suburbs. If you're comfortable, let's figure out where everyone's at. I'll try to compile a map and see if we can't figure out where the best place is to get together. Of course, this is just for the first meet-up. We'll move it around each time. For example, the second one will be right next to my own front door. I live in Gurnee.
Well it's only 8 more days to winter :roll: so we better get going on meeting up. I think your house would be fine Tony depending on what your cookin.
I'm in Orland Park, but wouldn't have trouble going somewhere, because I'd love to put my Prius among others, it'd be fun! And I'm at the point that if you want me to drive somewhere, I want to.
I live in Arlington Heights, although I would be willing to drive! This weekend might be the last opportunity before things get hectic with the Holidays. Anytime after the new year would be good too.
To take some initiative, let's try to get something going this weekend for Saturday (I can't suggest Sunday, because, well, I'm going to the Bears game. 8) Yes I will freeze my nice person off, but it will be my third Bears game I've went to that was in December, so I'm used to it.) If not then, how open would anyone be to the Sunday the 26th or the 2nd? If we wanted to, we could even do something on New Years Day, but late enough to allow the hangover to go away... :wink: But I think those are less oppurtune, as many more people will have visitors or be out of town. Looking at Tony's beautiful map, I think a good center area would be about the boundries of 90 to the north, 294 to the east, 88 to the south, and 335/290 to the west. Anyone feeling Saturday, early afternoon? Anyone have a suggestion for a place in there? (BTW, if someone hosts, hell, if we all meet somewhere we can grill (more likely spring/summertime), I will provide ribs, as long as I'm still at this job. They are loved by all my friends and family, so look forward to that.)
I can't make this Saturday for the multitude of holiday get-togethers. But I like the idea of a January 2nd "New Year's Get Together". Of course, decisions should be made by majority vote. So if most of the rest can make it this weekend, all I ask is that someone take pictures. The boundaries bnlfanmatt gives are pretty good. Who knows the area well enough to suggest a location? Someplace with plenty of parking opportunities. I would think that it would be nice to meet for lunch at, say, 1:00. Here in Gurnee, for example, there's an Unos Pizza in the same parking lot of a Home Depot. A scenario like this would let us cluster our cars while we eat. Thanks for taking charge, bnlfanmatt.
I would love to get a picture of our Prii lined up in a row, whether Classic or '04+, and if you can't make whenever we decided, as long as I am there, there will be pictures. On to further subjects, please respond on the possibility of either of the two dates, above, to reiterate Saturday the 18th, or Sunday January 2nd) as I bet they will be the most realistic, or add in others, such as this Sunday the 19th, the Sunday after Christmas (the 26th), or New Years Day itself. I'm okay with any of them except for the 19th, because of my Bears allegiances, but if it comes down to that being a good date by majority vote, I'll live with missing it. If it is this weekend, I think we should have date/time/place resolved by late Thursday or early Friday, otherwise, if it is after New Year's, we have some time. My thoughts at this point might be plan for January 2nd, as it gives us more time, although I'm excited and want to do it ASAP, I'll try to control myself. Thanks, Matt P.S. to Tony: It's not that hard for me to take charge, I spend a lot of time on a computer at work with nothing to do, so I have the time to look up stuff and devote to this. :lol: I don't want to take it over completely from you, so I'm glad you're okay with me getting the ball rolling on this one. Hopefully we'll have a resolution soon. And together all of us can look towards a springtime meetup, and have it planned in advance. Like I said, if it's warm enough, I'll provide ribs, and we'll grill for the next one. Ooohhhh, maybe a Sunday before Memorial day Chicago meetup???? (Sorry, I'm a very excited new Prius owner!)
Well, it now looks like the 2nd would be best for me, late lunch would be fine, just need a place and time.
A friend from Elk Grove Village has informed me that there is a Dominicks in EGV that has in the same parking lot both an Italian and a Spanish restaurant. Unless everyone objects, I would like to propose this location. I think it would be good because the Dominicks parking lot will provide ample parking and we would be able to choose what we're hungry for. He also said that there's a Jewel across the street with more dining opportunities if we are so inclined. The address of the Dominicks is: 980 Elk Grove Town Ctr, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 And here is the address via Mapquest: [CLICK] I will plan to arrive at or just before 1:00pm on Sunday, January 2nd.
I'm not a Prius owner--yet. (I'm on the waiting list). But I AM a Toyota owner, does that count? I'll try to make it to the "meet", but we're traveling back from Indiana that weekend.... Tom
Can't make it to the dates mentioned (have to work both of those weekends) but am interested in future meetups. Ray (formerly 2005waiting)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bnlfanmatt\";p=\"57562)</div> Be sure to let me know about the Springtime meet - I may just have to come up for some ribs!
I would like to make meet-ups a monthly event. I hope to end each month with a poll for the date of the following month's meet-up.
Am in for Jan2 meetup. Danny: If you want ribs, then we're going to Carsons on Waukegan Rd in Deerfield or on Wells downtown. And yes, they are spectacular.
Madams, Currently, just from reading the posts above, I have 7, possibly 8. That includes you. Also, I have a friend (make that THE friend) who introduced me to the Prius Classic in '99. He's up from Mississippi through next week and I've invited him.
I'd like to come, however I don't have a prius yet. I would like to come and have some people better me on the Prius. You guys have more knowledge of me on this car and I would like to learn more about it. Its annoying to go to a dealership to look at a Prius (with my decent amount of knowledge of the prius) and have to teach the salesman how to start the car. :mrgreen:
The meet-up was a very good first start yesterday. I'm planning a post for the entire forum, but in the meantime, you can enjoy these pictures. . . [EDIT] These two pictures were taken in high-resolution and will be submitted for the 2005 calendar.