I know it looks like every other Touring Prius, but this one is mine! and what it replaced. 2004 Volvo S60R, AWD, 300hp Turbo, 6MT
Au contrair, this one is YOURS, and we all LOVE to see "Prii porn" Welcome to Prius Chat, and congratulations on a very sweet ride!
I generally do not even consider cars that are not white, but your car is very very nice looking. I love that the wheel color matches the paint so well. What are the black dots on your front bumper?
The black dots are the ends of the barrels of my machine guns. Just kidding, the black dots on the bumper are little plastic plugs that I got at Home Depot. I used them to plug up the holes from the screws they use to attach the front license plate bracket. It makes for a little cleaner look. This is what the plugs look like:
What happened to the "Prius" and "Hybrid Synergy Drive" emblems on the hatchback? I didn't see any mods removing them.
Don't you love it????? Isn't it ridiculous???? Hey - isn't there a law here in Cali that you have to have a front plate? Or did they change that? If so, when did that happen and where's the link? I'd love to do the same to the front of my SpectraBluuuâ„¢.
I used dental floss to remove them. I like the de-badged look. Just park the car in the sun, use the dental floss between the badge and car and saw the adhesive away. Then clean off the remaining residue and wax.
Your pictures make me want to get silver. Nice!! Conrad - What make you decide to get Touring? I am trying to decide whether to go with Touring or non touring package #2? I know.... It's about $5000 in terms of price difference. Is this worth it? Have you taken to twisty road?
I wanted leather or the Package #6. The difference between the Regular Package #6 and Touring Package #6 was about $600. That said, I liked the wheels better, and figured the suspension would be better for me. I haven't driven a Regular Prius, so I can't compare it but I am happy with the ride.
How is the leather? I heard they are pretty hard, not soft. Are they soft like lexus leather? I had 10+ years old GS 400, and the leather seats are still soft after 10 plus year.
Dude!!! Good eyes! I was driving around Irwindale and saw the hull. It is fiberglass so it is clearly not an original WWII PT boat, but it sure looks like one! One of my favorite movies was PT-109! I used to watch McHales Navy too!!!
I came from a Volvo S60R with Nordkapp leather. It was the softest leather I have ever felt, like a broken in baseball glove. The Prius' leather doesn't compare, but it is comfortable.
If you spray a little RP7 or WD40 in behind the top of the badge first it will come off even easier and I promise it wont damage your paint. Then use the same to remove any gum then wash and wax the area for a perfect look. Use the same to remove any stickers. Oh for a more natural glue remover eucalyptus oil works even better but a lot of people don't have it at home. (well outside of Australia) By the way Steamboatsig, I love the look of your car, nice clean smooth rear end, who wouldn't love it!!
Nice, childhood photos!!! Be sure to take more as she grows! I already notice new speakers in the trunk
I test drove both back to back and immediately knew I wanted the Touring. Just felt more connected to the road w/o feeling rough. Like the idea of slightly larger and (imho) more attractive wheels. If you were going with the #2 pkg it would give you the advantage of having HIDs w/o having a higher pkg in the non-Touring since all Tourings come standards with HIDs.