I had a problem with one of the four easy pass stickers that I received from the NY Department of Motor Vehicles. They are going to send me new stickers. I need to remove the stickers presently on my vehicle. Has anyone had to remove their stickers. I would like to know if they came off easily and if they just have to be peeled off.
Where are stickers located on your car? If they are on the painted surfaces, why not just put the new stickers over the old ones?
Ronniemu - I know this much. When you remove the sticker, a portion remains that has the words 'Void' repeated over the surface. I don't know how easy it is to get the Void portion off the bumper, however. Marvin
You have to get a window scraper, like what tinting people use, it has a razor blade on it, you spray some sort of soapy water on the glass with the sticker let it kinda soak in and use the razor lightly, if it doesnt come off increase force but be careful not to scratch the glass
The sticker is not on the glass. Its on the bumper surfaces. In 4 locations. So a glass scraper cannot be used. Marvin
I would try "Goo Gone" should be able to get it at a supermarket, Walmart etc. in the cleaners aisle. I have heard of people using peanut butter on bumper stickers, though I have not tried it. Mineral oil might be worth a try.
You may want to try heating it up with a hair dryer and then gently peeling it off (or scraping it off).