Estimados amigos, I've signed up because next week I expect to drive my new Prius. Very interesting site for us in Spain, given here is a minoritary model (few mad-fans, we look as) and in the USA you have a long road experience. I'll keep visiting regularly. Saludos.
From one international member to another, welcome to PC. I am sure that once you get your car you will find, like the rest of us, that this is a great piece of machinery to own.
Thanks AussieFriend Last summer (here in the North hemisfery) my brother were in the wild next to Sidney for some hollidays at a friend's hut. They spent some days traveling in your fantastic country aboard two Triumph Bonnie. He told me about how scaring was to read some signals about "you're at your own" when coming in the inner dessert. We're not used to that. I think the worst was to return home...
Sounds like they sure did some miles if they were seeing those types of signs - they are way out back I have visited Spain a couple of times, but, unfortunately, only on business and only to Madrid. One thing I had trouble with in Spain - your weird working day, and the fact that most people don't eat dinner until somewhere around 9/10 at night. You all seem to live on very short sleep periods.
I bet you can't wait until next week and start saving gas. What color are you planning to get? Don't forget pics for us newbies. Welcome to the forum.
Well, I found mine in stock, so it was light-green obligatory. I can't wait for a new car 3 or 4 months when I've decided to buy, so I always buy stock units. And a good rebate too for stock cars, if you take your time with the rep. Light-green not bad for me, indeed, because I was thinking in a light color to avoid car-wash every day. Here where I use to drive is a rural area, with a lot of agricola machinery in the roads, a lot of mud in winter. Light colors seem less dirty. I like even more the bronze color, but green is good for me. Isn't the PRIUS a GREEN car?
Some photos And some photos: In the country, near my little town. Today was sunny, past the mist. I like the "greenish" look. A must the light color driving so muddy roads. Later near the castle of a little touristic village: Less than 50 miles in the ODO. Next week I expect to have some impressions.
Valladolid, Castilla y Leon region, center of Northwest of Spain. I live in a rural area since some years ago when I left Madrid -capital city of Spain- tired of the tipical big cities problems. I've made a way of life of publishing design. With my ADSL web access, I need very few movements to get job done. Less movements, less polution, less energy waste. Isn't it what we want with a PRIUS?
Thanks for posting pics lys. I do have a sort of light green in the US it is called 'Silver Pine Mica'. I like the design of your wheels though..
Sounds lovely. I ask because my wife is from Spain. She grew up in Sevilla and we were married in Fuente de Piedra. I can't believe it's been five years since we were there last.
Chatted with a friend from Spain today who is coming for a visit in July. Told her we were paying $3.50 a gallon. She says they're paying 1.70 euro per litre over there. That's about 6.29 euro a gallon! She lives in Antequerra. That'll shut me up about gas prices for a while.
At the begining I didn't know how different were the basic equipment in the USA and here in Europe. I was only grumbling about the high fares for our PRIUS, but later I found some reasons. PRIUS is in the "semi-luxury" category here, not good to get a good market share, I'm afraid. How much interesting it could be to has an entry level PRIUS, to let the spell go...
I'm not sure in Antequera, but here in Valladolid we pay around 1,10 per litre (4,2 per gallon). We pay a lot of taxes for environmental and social reasons. The usual car here is a Turbo-diesel, with range around 40/50 MPG. The PRIUS does well here I prefer a gas car, less prone to inyection system failures of modern turbo-diesel cars. My latest turbo-diesel car cost me more than 3.000 euros (around 4500$) in inyection failures. So, if looking for a good milleage, why not an electric-gas car? That were my reason to go PRIUS. But gas is even more expensive in other European countries. 1,70 is more acurate in France or in Italy.