I received a call from the dealer I purchased my Prius after one month. It's a free service but still questioned why I needed to bring it in. They said it's free and we just want to check your car....I'm a bit nervous about bringing it in on saturday. I only have 200 miles on the car since living in NYC gives little time to drive the car except on the weekends. Any info about his would be helpful. Thanks
Sometimes its helpful to have someone check the alignment, and look around for any loose bolts, etc. More often it is a chance for the dealer to try to sell you a bunch of other stuff -- extended warranties, paint protection, etc. -- that you don't need. And sometimes it is a ripoff. They will find things wrong that are somehow not covered by warranty. Inquire from others regarding the practices and reputation of the service department of that dealer.
Hi Kathy, Are you talking about Bayridge Toyota (just guessing from your location)? If you want, you can bring it in. They told me they wanted to inspect for any defects . You can ask for FREE alignment while at it. Otherwise, I don't see a need. Like Doc Willie said, DON'T buy any extra service from them. As for the warranty, you can get it cheaper here on this site. See http://priuschat.com/forums/sponsor...rius-extended-warranty-service-contracts.html. Bayridge Toyota quoted me $1997 two years ago when I bought the car from them. I told them no thanks.
Hi Scott, Yes the dealer is Bay Ridge Toyota. They tried to strong arm me into buying the extended warranty for $1395 but I said no....when I took possesion of the car they tried again and the closer guy tried to tell me I couldn't buy it if I didn't buy it then. When I called him on his lie he shut up. The best is I was able to put 7K on my Amex card closer didn't like that.....they normally only allow 4k.... However, the service people seem to be very nice. I purchased the mudguards from "the store" on Pc, delivered them and asked that they be installed on the car and would pay for them when I took possesion. Picked the car up and when I asked how much they said Happy Holidays!!, which i thought was very nice. I'm not buying another thing for this car...I'm done.
You aren't done. You just started. Get VentureShield or 3M plastic to protect the paint on the leading surfaces. If they don't have a template for the top of the rear bumper buy the applique or rubber piece because sooner or later cargo is going to scratch that bumper. (The part should be much cheaper from a Toyota dealer selling on-line than from yours.) Read through the threads then buy pipe insulation to block your grill. IMO don't return to the dealer unless you have a problem with the car. This trip is just BS.
I already purchased the rear bumper protector. Just waiting for the weather to get warmer before I install it. My mudguards were installed on the car before I took possesion and they did it for FREE!! I was willing to pay but they said Happy Holidays.
I agree about going to the dealer with just 200 miles. You'll be able to tell right away, if the car has any loose bolts anyway. I suggest wait for awhile and save that free check-up. BTW, would you able to share a pic of your car with the mudguars installed?
I agree about going to the dealer with just 200 miles. You'll be able to tell right away, if the car has any loose bolts anyway. I suggest wait for awhile and save that free check-up. BTW, would you able to share a pic of your car with the mudguards installed?
Don't you hate it when they lie?!! They were telling me that I can't buy the warranty after I took possession, which I find out is not true. I wanted to confront the sales guy when I was there for the 1000 miles check up, but they told me he's not working there anymore. I've only been to their service department once, for the 1k check up, so I can't comment on that. From what you said, they seem nice enough. Hope they can do everything else correctly!
Don't waste your time, it always takes you half-day just to be there for a visit. Time is money. For only 200 miles on the clock your car is not even fully breaking-in yet, and it's a TOYOTA. Keep driving....
Our Prius had the rear bumper applique when we got the car new, it didn't stop something from scratching and removing the paint from the plastic just outside of the sticker, on the corner of the bumper where there is no sticker. Oh well...
If you want a photo of a Prius with mud guards, I have them on Rudy. I do see that I need to take some new photos of Rudy...