This '04 has 45k on it now, and tonight I noticed a squeal with light pedal, and a heavier pedal quiets it. I'm deaf in one ear so can't tell direction, but a passenger was certain it came from the rear. I really expected brakes to last 100k or more, and the rears might last forever. What else could it be?
drums need adjusting? I doubt it though since they're self-adjusting IIRC. Maybe they're just rusty. How often do you "clean" them (either by braking harder or braking in N to clean the rotors)
for the rear drums, water can get into there, thanks to a hole called a labyth hole. So just go down a lot of hills and brake (no regen), and if it still continues after the 3rd hill or so then yes I'd say it could be your brakes however, drums usually don't give a squealing sound like front discs would do so but if you hear a "KURRRRR" behind ur drums then its just rust. Brake some more it will go away evenually however, when wet your brakes tend to lock up more, so modulate the brake pedal and leave some extra space when the abs kicks in , it will go away as the weather gets less moist. i drive to avoid the puddles too! if i see a huge one i slow down and take my time
Thanks. Since new I've driven through some pretty deep water. Today it's been quite dry, and it was this evening that I first heard the squeal. It didn't sound like the built-in squeal-tabs... I'll wait till the weekend and pull the wheels. Might find a rock or something...
Make sure it isn't rust. Try the Neutral trick for cleaning, and if it persists give 'em the eyeball. . Aren't you the guy who built another brake pressure monitor? . _H*
It's LEDs (integrated with an engine-run LED, from Coastal) to indicate when the braking system shifts from regen to friction pads, so I can optimize stopping. I rarely use friction, so would be very surprised were the pads to have reached the squeal tabs. I think this is something else, so decided to take it in to the dealer today.
If you rarely use the friction brakes and recently ran through deep water there is probably rust on the rotors that is causing your problem. A couple of emergency type stops should clear it. I usually notice it in the morning when backing out of the garage. Sometmes it gets a little damp around here so it has been a normal occurence with my car. I hope the dealer is honest and does not reccomend a brake job.
Dealer "cleaned, lubed, and adjusted" - found no more than a pebble. No charge for that, though I had an alignment done while it was there. 1 hour, $69. Drives fine, though I miss the music.
Should I go by tomorrow and throw some money out the window...? The alignment shop a little further down the road charges $10 less, but I thought it made sense to do it at the dealership since they were already into the car.