With the flu bug going around my wife thinks she can't be too careful so she "sanitized" her hands the other day and now the seat has a 2" diameter stain from the junk in the sanitizer. Anyone have similar problem and how in the heck did you get the stain out?
Can't help you there but check this out. If you swear a thin layer of GermX hand sanitized on a cd and put it in the microwave it'll shoot fire, not flame, FIRE. It's soo cool you have to do it twice. Best when done with the lights off. Oddly enough just putting alcohol on a cd wont make fire, just sparks. - not respomsoble for destruction of your microwave should that occur -
Wipe it out as best you can, then get some scotchguard and treat your seats. Just scotchguarded my seats this weekend. Cheers!
There's an amazing product I've been using ever since I saw a dealer use it to get an oil stain out of a brand new vehicle I was buying back in '97. It's called "Blue Magic", and it just might work for you. Obviously, test in an inconspicuous area first... Dave