Everything was going so well.... Found a set of ramps quickly and cheaply. Found the mounting location instantly. Slid the power cord to the perfect position. But my fat arms are unable to get maneuvered into the correct position to slide the EBH in. So close but so far. My son should be home from school in a few hours perhaps he'll have better luck.
Got it!! As soon as my son arrived home from school I showed him a few of the pics from the EBH sticky. He crawled under the car and inserted the EBH while I was feeding the cord from the top. Had it installed in under 5 minutes. The wall socket that I use for the extension cord is tied-in to our home automation. I can turn it on from the computer in the house or I can have the scheduler turn it on/off several times during the night and a couple of hours before I leave in the morning. Cool.