I usually drive in North-Up mode, but today I switched to Heading-Up just for yuks. This mode displays a small compass in the upper left corner of the screen. As I was driving to work in a Southwest direction, the compass arrow was pointing Southeast (down and right). It points correctly for due North and due South, but seems to have East and West reversed. Has anyone else noticed this?
Holy cow, I didn't even pay close enough attention to realise that it moves. I thought it was just an icon. Whenever I wanted a true compass reading, I would speak "Compass Mode" and get the full-screen compass. Now I have something else - other than the road and cars - to fight for my attention as I'm driving. I can't wait to stare at that little symbol as I'm driving home tonight. Especially around curves. LSNED (Learn Something New Every Day)
I have to say that I'm confused about what you're asking here. The compass needle will (should) always point North no matter what direction you're traveling...just like a real compass would. Are you saying that your compass needle doesn't point North when you're driving SouthWest? And how certain are you of your direction of travel...IOW, although a given road may have an average vector to the SW, at any given point on that road you may be heading SE/SW/S or just about any other direction depending upon how curvy it is.
Typically, I use that Heads-Up mode (or whatever it's called) but the arrow in the upper left appears to be pretty accurate (i.e. always shows North where I expect it to be). :?:
Well, duh. Don't know what I was thinking. Somehow I had it in my head that the compass icon was like a 'mini-map', and would point in the direction that I was travelling. Too much time in North-Up mode, I guess. Anyway, in the immortal words of Roseanne Roseannadanna: "Never mind".