All, Just back from putting on four of the new Nokian WR G2's. If anyone locally is interested - I got them at Import Tire at 111 National Road in Glastonbury, CT. Bruce and the rest of the staff there are very friendly, and did the whole job promptly. Out the door, four tires plus balancing install etc cost me about $492. (185 65R15) I have no affiliation with Import Tire, but I was impressed with the service. I drove 6 miles back to the office (downtown Hartford, CT). They might be a little louder than the stock Integrities, which I expect, but it was barely discernible. Roads are dry (and cold) today, but I will add to this thread as I get experience with how they handle. Thanks to everyone who has posted info on tires, Nokians especially, which helped me make my decision. Daniel
Well, I've put about 150 miles on them so far. All dry pavement - maybe we'll get some snow this weekend. On dry pavement they are great, the best way to describe them is that the car feels more 'confident'. The car tracks better, feels better on curvy back roads and is solid at high speed (75 MPH). As I mentioned before, very slight increase in road noise but not an issue. Too little data (150 miles) for info on impact MPG, but initial indications are no impact. Everyone have a good weekend, and if we get any snow/ice/rain I'll post! Daniel
Daniel, Any further thoughts? What has been the effect on MPG? I am looking to put a set of the WRs on my '06. Thanks Ken
Well my WRs haven't dropped my mileage, so there's one data point for you. I would expect the WR G2s to be better than the WRs. Yesterday I got to drive in blowing snow at -22C, with nice polished ice/snow at the intersections. Pearl had to try several times to get going, but that didn't delay the other vehicles, they just sat there spinning their wheels. No problems in the deeper snow (drifts). But I never did high center (managed to avoid the larger drifts - which are really hard to see).
....I put WR G2's on the Prius the day after taking an early December delivery and have logged 3508 miles to mileage consistently remains in the 44-46 mpg range and the car has handled much better than I thought possible in every possible winter driving condition which has included two trips from the Connecticut shoreline to the frozen tundra of Western New York...the WR G2's inspire confidence with their predictable handling characteristics...excess noise has certainly not been an issue despite the snowfree driving conditions that we have thus far experienced...Bruce and his gang at Import Tire have taken good care of me in the past but I was able to get my WR G2's closer to home for an out-the-door price of $424.00...I had originally purchased the Prius just for the winter months and then flip it but every day behind its wheel seems to impress me more and is beginning to make me reconsider my original of these days I'll take and post some pics of the front, rear and rear deck blue dot over black cocomats (Default Natural Auto Products, LLC) that Jeff made for me...although a little pricey, I can't tell you how many people ask about them.
here are the 3 snow (winter) tires I have used currently & in the past: Bridgestone Blizzak (USA) Michelin X-Ice (France) Yokohama Ice Guard (Japan) Nokian WR G2 (Where are these made??, if its northern europe like Norway I'm sold) When are auto manufacturer's gonna start heating the wheel wells so snow doesn't accumulate?
The Nokians are made in Finland . If you want an all-weather tire that works as well as most winter tires, look for the more aggressive Nokian WR which has the aggressive tread on both edges (the WRg2 is aggressive on one edge). JeffD
Vredstein Quatrac 2 (and 3) are also another set of tyres that compete at the same level as the Nokian WRs. I don't have any first hand experience with them. I'm currently using WRs in the stock size.
i just ordered 4 WRg2's myself and can't wait until they get here. i have wanted to ditch the OEM tires since day one, but couldn't bring myself to toss perfectly useable tires. now at 30k, they're worn to the point where i can finally choose something else. based on the glowing reports from other nokian owners, i'm excited to see what they can do for economy, traction and comfort.
Hi Not prius owner yet but in March i got my own prius Do you drive these wr´s year round or only in snow time? How these wr´s effect your mileage? I´m very curious because i work in Finnish tyre factory
I see you're from Nokia. That's an actual town name?? I plan to use my year round. Don't know about mileage yet. I'll come back in the summer.
Yes,it is city in Finland with 30000 inhabitants. Nokia mobile company did started here about 100-150 years ago like farm and they start papermill here and rest is history. Nokia mobile don´t have any activites here anymore but still has lot of desing,some munufacturing and so on in Finland.Head office still locate in Finland but in Helsinki. Nokian tyres was part of Nokia But about 8 years ago it came independence company. As you see i´m not very good in english but i think you understand most of it.
Hey, thanks for this thread! I've pretty much decided these will be the tires I get sooner than later.
I've seen no hit on mileage (other than from the -30C winter weather!!) . I will be leaving them on all year, as I did with my previous vehicle, a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder LE 4X4 (the anti-Prius). They work very well. Kipander, your English is just fine unless you want to pass a test in collage. Much better than my Fin.
OK I'm convinced. It's the Nokians. BUT, What is the difference between the R's and the G2's? Seems like everyone loves the WR's. Are the G2's an advancement? Are they better? They are still selling both. Thanks.
They're both called WR. WRG2 just means 2nd generation. It just came out a few months ago that's why you hear more of the WR than the WRG2. The WRG2 has an asymmetrical tread pattern with half of it being snow and half of it being summer. The WR has a normal looking tread. The G2 seems to see its greatest improvement in slush (according to one of those charts I saw on some other forum while googling).
Not all of them. Some are actually made in China. No idea about the WR, but mine (can't remember which model) are. Look on the sidewall for (a very small) "MADE IN PRC".