I was driving at highway speeds when i went to get my sunglasses from the compartment above. When I reached in I felt a cold breeze. I only felt it when traveling at highway speeds. Give it a try. Anyone else experience this?
Yep. After reading this post, I reached up to check the next time I was in the car. On surface streets, there was an almost imperceptible feel of air moving, but it was there. Given the location and the fact that there is no sunroof [and the serious attention to engineering detail], it has to be intentional...
If that's so, it's a good thing since the overhead compartment has a tendency to get hot under the hot sun since it is rather close to the roof and it's enclosed.
is there a pocket of air in the roof? the roof sorta gives when you push it. Im not sure if its because the way the top of the car is shaped or if they wanted it like that
It was pretty cold and windy tonight. I stuck my hand all over that area but I wasn't able to detect any kind of a breeze. But then I was only doing a little over 55 MPH. How fast were you going?
i was probably doing 65, but you have to open the sunglass holder and feel inside. it's quite noticible. I can't feel anything if the sunglass holder is shut though.
Yes, I did open the holder and put my hand inside but I didn't feel anything. I wonder, now, if the extra 10 MPH would make a difference. I'll try again at around 65 MPH.
i was trying it again today too. This time nothing... I wonder if it has something to do with the climate control setting I had then. I will find out tomorrow!!
i totally felt the breeze to, i didnt have any heater or ac on just driving at nite and i felt the cold breeze