OK.. a few things here. One.. i'm a moderator.. but i don't know the new system that Danny put on here. I dont' even know how to join the forum. I was magicaly joined. I don't know how to invite people. I have no clue who can actualy see this forum. But.. i'm missing people.. i see people all the time. WE should have a LOT of people on this forum by now. Hopefuly the other moderator can confirm this. lol. Ok.. i miss everyone. WE need another prius meet. It's nice and cool out.. well.. it's supposed to be nice and cool out. When should our next prius meet be. I'm a little stressed out with life. I'm sure we all are. Let's get together, have a BBQ.. chat.. have a few drinks. We'll discuss all of our latest achievements in life and with our Prius ( of course ) Let's see if we can make this more of a BBQ/picknick type of party event. If we can attract attention, all the better. I'll bring my camera to take pics. Ideas anyone?
Let's caravan up to the wine country and get V8CobraKid a glass of wine. We just need a place to meet before hand...
I am up for a holiday trip to the wine country. There are a couple of wineries that have small picnic areas. I will even bring some marinated veggies since they went over so well last time. Mabey one or two even three of us could do a little recon and find a nice spot.
Hello everyone. Consider me in. Cain veggies are the best. Most wineries though don't allow outside food. There is Cline Cellars in Sonoma that does allow ouside food with their wines which are pretty reasonable- $8-10 a bottle. A picture of the garden is attached. I still don't know where we could meet around there though.
I hope everybody had a great Turkey Day, I spent two days straight in the kitchen, But it was wellworth it. As for our next meeting, V8Cobrakid called me a couple of days ago and we are going to recon a location for our meeting, probably do this on the 11th of Dec, then let everybody know what we find out then WE can pick a date have our next get together. One option we will look at is the State Park up near Calistoga. Anybody with any ideas please post them.[align=center]
Please try to have it before the @5 th of Dec as I am planning to be out of the country for a while after that and I would love to attend the meet.
hehehe.. good.. I was looking at that date and doing nothing but wondering. lol.. hm... the 5th isn't possible... what should i say? lol well, i'll see if we can do it before the 25th. hmm... * looks at calender * well.. we are going to check out a place on the 12th.. charles says 11th.. but i can't do 11th unless it's after 5... maybe i should remind him that i work saturdays. lol. wait.. just reminded him.. gotta love post. Hi Charles lol
Yea,Yea Cobrakid, You are right this time but only because it is your B-day. We are going to pick out a place on the 12th, That only leaves the weekend of 18 - 19 Dec to accommodate Gurmail and Ana. I do not have a problem with either of those dates. My preference is for Saturday the 18th. The kid and myself will pick a location on the 12th and let everybody know. We can get together and have a little Christmas Cheer. Now is the time for everybody to chime in with a yes or no.
Yes... because it's my b-day.. lol. j/k It's just a temporary thing.. ends at midnight. I get to keep the glass slippers though :lol: Ya know.. it's a sick icon.. but i find this one rather funny today
I haven't seen your silver prius with stickers yet either. I usually stay in the north SJ to Sunnyvale area and if I remeber correctly you are in south SJ. So chances are we won't cross paths to often.
yeah.. i usualy just leave sunnyvale. I work in san mateo region. well.. san mateo, redwood city, palo also, S.F.. and so on. A lot of prius up their.
Today Charles and I are going to go check out a place for us to have a prius meet.. but first.. i get to autocross my car at the candlestick park/ moster park. I'll be doing this around noon or 1.. something like that. Everyone is invited. It's free to watch. It's part of the SCCA races.
OK.. we have the location. Charles and i went to go check it out. If you have navigation... here's the intersection of the entrace Lark Mead Ln St Helena Hwy Calistoga CA If you don't have nav, you have mapquest. I advise taking 101 up and 680 back.. taht way you don't have to pay any toles. We looking to meet on next sunday.. so.. the 18th? be there around noon or 1. If you want.. we can meet up in groups. I have Nav and live in SJ.. anyone around me want to meet up and we can drive in a group? The only fees are for entering. If we have 11 people going.. then there is a flat fee of 65.. otherwise.. 6 dollars per vehicle. It's for each vehicle right charles?
Please do not worry about the fee, I have a handle on that issue. I will bring the almost famous cain veggies for the BBQ. And since we will be in the Wine Country, a bottle of red wine. It is the State Park just south of Calistoga. I will do another post with the name of the park in just a minute.
I will meet you to start the group going. Where would you lilke to meet and when. I figure somewhere along 101 would be ideal. Justin