This past weekend my wife and i made the 3 hour drive to Foxwoods Casino in CT. As expected, the Prius did great. But at 11 that night, we got a call from our daughter, who was home watching the dogs. it seems our son, who was in Rutland, VT on a ski trip with about 50 of his school friends, had had too much to drink (chugging captain morgan - that should tell you that he's not an experienced drinker, otherwise he would not have been that stupid) and was in the rutland hospital (he's fine now) so at 1 in the morning, after numerous other phone calls, we start the drive to vermont. I had gotten the street address of the hotel. I entered it into the nav system, and we placed ourselves in the prius' hands (wheels) for the trip. the system functioned flawlessly. my wife, who hates gadgets of every type, found herself asking some intelligent questions about how it all worked and what the various symbols meant and stuff. she was quite impressed. this was also my first experience with the prius in snow and ice. about 45 minutes out of rutland we hit some falling snow and crunchy road. the car was great. heading home the next morning, i just pulled up my house in the destination list, and once again left it up to the car. i don't know if i would ever want another car without the nav system. can't wait for the newer ones that include current traffic info as well.
Thank God everything came out well. I had a simular experience a few years ago. A call from my son in the ER. A friend of his was toxic and in the ER and they could not get the parents on the phone. I drove to the parents house, banged on the door till they woke and drove them to the hospital in Tacoma as they did not know where it was and it is in a Neighborhood that you did not want to get lost in at the time. Everything came out well there and lessons were learned by many and that is the most important. thing. Again I am glad all came out well remember insanity is inherited. You get it from your kids!
I still fail to understand the appeal of just drinking until you pass out or have to get hauled-off to a hospital... Personally, I've always preferred to have a few high-quality drinks that I can enjoy/savour, rather than just slamming back low-quality swill. Each to their own I suppose. For me, it's quality over quantity... Dave.
Dave.... for someone who doesnt have it in him to drink to excess, its easy to see why you could not understand this thing people do. i can tell you from personal experience that people who drink to excess dont understand why they do it either.
i agree, i don't get it other than, conceptually, i sorta get teens thinking they are invulnerable and can do anything without consequences. personally, after about 3 beers, my head and stomach get together and tell me it's time to quit and i do.
I wasted a third of my life with various forms of alcohol. Haven't touched a drop in 29 years. Never will again. Couldn't be happier than I am today.
wtg Lucas!! proud of you. i am 10 years sober. besides would never risk my Prius by drinking and driving