Am I the guinea pig here? I've been diddling with the PM-325 for over an hour and still can't get it to play nice with my Prius. The new PM-325 is listed, along with its Bluetooth Device Address, as one of my telephones under the Select Telephone screen (INFO>Telephone>Settings>Telephone Selection). However I still cannot get the Prius to recognize the phone when I start up. Yes, I've RTFM's (all of 'em!), but I'm stumped. Toyota still doesn't have LG PM-325 specific instructions posted on the site. Could someone smarter than me lead me along? Thanks!
Just to clarify: You are able to get the phone to talk to your Prius after some fiddling, but now when you start the car. Is that right? Do you have any other Bluetooth devices? Ones that work with your phone without hassle?
Sorry for the lack of precision in terminology. I am not a Bluetooth expert. It's all just so, so magic! As far as I can tell, I am never able to pair the Prius and the PM-325. During the set-up procedure, I am ultimately advised by the phone that "pairing failed." Nevertheless, I apparently got part way through the process, because the PM-325 is listed as a device on my Prius (see first message). Likewise "HANDS FREE" (the Prius) appears on my PM-325. I have tried enough permutations of the installation process so that I suspect the LG PM-325 may be incompatible with the Prius. However, I still want to see if anyone else has tried to pair. Or perhaps I'm just a knucklehead and I did something wrong. I do not own any other Bluetooth devices, so I can't try that.
I was going to suggest that you "enable" the Bluetooth on the phone, based upon what I read in . I hate dealing with Sprint Telesales. Thus far none of the local stores have received it yet, despite the fact that Sprint has run several full page ads in the Los Angeles Times promoting it.
Let me make sure I understand what you are saying. The LG PM-325 does work with the Prius and you can both receive and initiate calls from the Prius. Correct?
You said that the LG PM-325 pairs with the Prius, which is good news. Have you tried to upload any addresses yet? Most available BlueTooth phones have the limitation of only allowing you to upload one address at a time and some phones have further bugs such as reversing the order of the names. Also, has anyone heard whether the Siemens S66 works with the Prius? Thanks a Kilovolt!
I don't know about "most available" but my Ericsson lets me update the entire contact list in one fell swoop pretty easily. The menu option isn't in an intuitive spot, but you can do it with little trouble.
Thanks Darkmage. It does seem like Sony-Ericsson's implementation of BlueTooth is the best, with the notable exception of their T637. Most Nokia and Motorola BT implementations work with the Prius but only allow one contact at a time to be uploaded. However, another user repored that the Siemens S56 allows you to upload all contacts at once, although only one number per contact is supported. That would indicate that Siemens understands BlueTooth pairing. I'm mostly interested in the Siemens S66 because of the megapixel camera. However, the LG PM-325 looks like a good product and it has a built-in voice recorder that can capture up to three minutes of voice data, which is a nice feature. I use a lot of contacts and would like to know if either the PM-325 or the S66 can upload them all at once before I make a final decision. I'm also hoping for a BT patch for the Treo 650, but I wont hold my breath. All these choices have been complicated for me by the political spending of habits of most wireless carriers, as shown in this site: That information seems to limit me to T-Mobile, and although I like some of the Nokia 6600's features, I'm not happy about the one-contact at a time limitation. T-Mobile's other BT offerings have poor specs IMO. Thanks, --Jared
That is funny, looking at the political spending habits leads me to choose anybody but T-mobile! Oh well, at least we can agree on the car!
I have the S56 and my wife has the LG PM-325. She hates Cingular and has been all over me to join her on the Dark Side (Sprint.) Both phone pair fine with the Prius. The biggest difference is the level of Bluetooth implementation. The Siemens implemented the entire bluetooth stack so I can send contacts to the Prius (as well as to Outlook my laptop, transfer test files, pictures, etc.) The LG PM-325 only implemented a very small portion of the stack and can only be used handsfree. No file transfer allowed. Hey, that way you have to use their network to get pictures off your phone. Bottom line, both work fine as handfree phones. LG PM-325 will not send contacts. I read this in detail somewhere. I'll try to find it again.