Special Christmas friends and family deal from XM SkyFi2 info: http://www.xmradio.com/skyfi2/index.jsp The offer is for three XM products. Delphi XM SkyFi2 with SkiFi audio system Retail: $129.99 + $99.99 for the audio system My price: $69 (effective thru 11/30, $89 from 12/1-12/31) Delphi XM SkyFi2 standalone with choice of vehicle or home kit Retail: $129.99 + 69.99 for vehicle/home kit My price: $49 XM Commander Retail: $169.99 My price: $49 You have to pre-pay the first 3 months To access these special deals, go here: http://www.xmradio.com/friends And in the Sponsor EMail box, put: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Total with the 3 months of pre-paid service & shipping mine came to about $98 - still $30 less than the SkyFi2 all by itself. The radios all come pre-activated, saving you an additional $15! You can reportedly move this to a $6.99 family plan if you already have an XM subscription. I was going to get a MyFi, but this deal pushed me over the top to get a SkyFi2 for now - it appears that they've fixed everything I hated about the original SkyFi. Now I'm waiting for the MyFi2 to come out...
Thanks. Boy that was a no-brainer! I have been meaning to get XM for some time but thought the price was too steep when you have to get an adaptor kit. $49 complete - no problem! :mrgreen:
Got the SkiFi2 device, yesterday. Works great. Came quickly and was in completely new packaging. Thanks. I've been telling my friends to grab it up.
I've purchased this deal also and it's really great. I have been playing with various internal positions for the antenna and although it works most of the time there are always situations where the signal is lost and that gets annoying after awhile. I will have to deal with the external position of the antenna later - if anyone has any ideas as to the best location I would appreciate any suggestions (first thought is on the rear roof between the existing antenna and the top edge of the hatchback opening, only concern would be snaking the line under the interior ceiling to get to the external position). I will probably buy a second antenna to take with me when we go on vacation and rent a car.
I suspect someone finally noticed they were losing 100 dollars or so per unit sold. $49 has to be way below wholesale cost. Robert
Antenna position: I mounted mine just to the left of the regular antenna. Works just fine. Then I just loosely ran it down the left edge between the hatchback and the car. From there, I slipped it under the cargo walls, around the left seat, and popped up the skid guards to slip the antenna wire under that. You can check the signal strength under Menu->Antenna Aiming on the XM. (Do this outside.) If you get static, I've noticed that it seems to be the FM frequency you broadcast on. Try a few different ones, preferably ones that do not have a station or static on them currently. I have noticed that the FM broadcasting thing is the problem. I am willing to bet that with the cassette adaptor or aux-in you will have a crystal clear sound.
Thanks for the feedback!! I actually just set up the antenna today on the rear roof behind the existing antenna - I gave up on the internal positions. It works perfectly without any adjustments. We are flying to the west coast at the end of the month so I am actually taking the unit with us to San Diego and down into Baja. I will probably get a second antenna and cable so I have one for the car and one for travelling.
Christmas came after all! The deal still appears active as I ordered a boombox on Jan. 1 and received it on Jan. 6 - it works great. I also ordered 2 SkyFi2 car kits on Jan.6 and they should be here on Jan. 10. The SkyFi2 I received for the boombox was not pre-activated. After a 45 minute phone marathon with XM it was finally activated and confirmed with the 3 months of service I paid for. Very happy now!