Has anyone seen one or is there any update on when they will be available? Things have become disspaointingly quiet on this front. Thanks, Jon
I called Dice Electronics this past week, for details on the Dice Silver for our new '08. They told me it was not available yet - there were some issues/changes for the '08 Prius. They are working on it, and expect it to be available by the end of January.
I was afraid of that. I had called about 3 weeks ago and had been told that it would be available in a week. Now it's the end of January. I guess it's just wait and hope. Thanks for the update though. Jon
Yes, thanks for the update. If anyone hears any updates, please let us know. Been waiting two months for an udpate. Todd
Does anyone (here that looks at the message board) know if this means that they might have a pre-08 version out sooner since earlier Prius' are already a known issue?
Hey I know this is not going to help too much but I got one and tested it out in my 08 and it had some bugs, but in my 07 it works great. It never goes down and being able to pick the track list from the wheel is great. I'm sure they will have the bugs in the 08 worked out soon.
I have a beta box to test out. I had one of the old boxes and had some problems so they gave me a Silver to test out.
I've got an old box and issues too. Are you using satellite radio "Y'd" in? Have you had any issues (on the pre-'08) with the silver?
No Sat on mine and in my wife's 08 we had a few bugs but nothing like we had with the older box. I use this now in my 07 in MP3 mode and I can tell you when you get this new box you will be very happy.
Thanks, and with a package #2 no integrated NAV either I presume. I think it still needs testing with both SAT and NAV on a Pre-'08 before I'm going to become a believer.
This is just a heads up to those waiting to buy the DICE Silverline, not those waiting for the trade in/upgrade program. The Silverline is now available and shipping, it started shipping either today or yesterday. I just purchased mine directly from them over the phone. It costs $159.99 if you buy direct. I know it's more than from Priuschat.com but I couldn't wait any longer! That's all, just wanted to let you all know. First post, yeah!
Priuschat was sent their shipment sometime earlier this week. I haven't been around here due to a death in the family, sorry.
So any word on the '08 trade-ins for those that had just purchased less than 30 days before the upgrade was announced? I have a PM into you, but not having heard anything at all back from you, I have no way to tell if you received it and if I actually made it onto the replacement/upgrade list or not.
Due to a death in his family Vagabond had to leave DICE (apparently move out of the area?). You will need to call DICE directly. They are aware of what is going on.